Finally China And Puntland Have Met


Chinese are the new world order and the experiment in the west to allow China into the world trade community during Reagan era, hoping wealth will lead to democratisation has backfired and their not happy.

China must be told the truth about the Governance, Rule of law, and Stability fragility, which investors will be given their risk assessment which they take serious.

But what's even scarier is infrastructure side such as roads, ports, airports, energy backbone, water, food security, drainage, sewages.

These hard basics need to be not just present but high quality, affordable, yet highly available(time loss is revenue loss) which investors also inspect.

The second area looked at by investors is health coverage and access(life spans of potential workers) plus obviously literacy and education quality, so they offer the needed labor or skill in their investment.

PL as far as I'm concerned is nowhere near this stage of creating a market and investor friendly environment. It's best to tell the Chinese the truth so at least honesty will win us points in the event those critical market variables are addressed.

Unlike Gaas the worst president in PL history Deni don't sell Puntites a lie like (open for business). Open 4 business waxaa ka horeeyo infrastructure both hard and social(the enabling environment).
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