First drone video of Gaalkacyo

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Gabyaa ma ihi, haddiise aan gabyi lahaa, waxaan ka gabyi lahaa magaalada aan ka soo jeedo oo ay labaday waalid ku koreen kuna barbaareen. Waxaana ku billaabi lahaa sida tan:

Gabay waa taan iska daayey inaan, ku gorfeeyaaye
Waa taanan beryahaanba gelin, gebi ahaantiis e
Haddiise gabay tirintiisa aan, ku go'aansado e
Ga'da waan ku marin jirey anigoon, go'id ka yaabayn e

Gaalkacyo waa saldhig geesi iyo , garaad hooygiis e
Waa meel gallad Alle buuxdo oo, ay gaar u leedahay e
Waa meel uusan ka carra geddisan, nin garasho u leh e
Reer Gaalkacyoodow iga guddooma, salaan gobeed # @DalJecel @Yonis @Abdalla @Tjioux
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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
The city got a lot more roads than when I was there two summers ago. A lot of houses were destructed to fit the city planning. However the Gaalkacyo, the city of angels, needs a tree planting campaign.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The city got a lot more roads than when I was there two summers ago. A lot of houses were destructed to fit the city planning. However the Gaalkacyo, the city of angels, needs a tree planting campaign.

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