First recorded case of coffee being drank was by a somali man

Mashallah it's time we sit at the table and start claiming our achievement
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Garaad diinle

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This is the very same sheikh i've mentioned in another post.

Another interesting thing that i once read is that the founder of mocha was an arab shiekh that has travelled to the horn of africa and married the daughter of sa'ad a-din ruler of ifat.
It's said that he travelled from northern eritrea all the way down to zaylac where he meet sa'ad a-din. He then travelled to the interior in the lands of adal. All this is said to have been writing down on a manuscript in yemen that hasn't been digitalized yet. I tried to find it cause i thought it may contain the oldest mention of sheikh samaroon who fought alongside sa'ad a-din.

I think coffee was introduced to yemen multiple times with oldest mention being this sheikh. The story of khaldi which is in reality a folk story is a mistranslation of the original story. Khaldi which comes from khalid an arabic name is muslim and the so called priest were two sufi sheikhs that is also credited with introduction of coffee to yemen and priest being the european translation of sheikh.
This is the very same sheikh i've mentioned in another post.

It's said that he travelled from northern eritrea all the way down to zaylac where he meet sa'ad a-din. He then travelled to the interior in the lands of adal. All this is said to have been writing down on a manuscript in yemen that hasn't been digitalized yet. I tried to find it cause i thought it may contain the oldest mention of sheikh samaroon who fought alongside sa'ad a-din.

I think coffee was introduced to yemen multiple times with oldest mention being this sheikh. The story of khaldi which is in reality a folk story is a mistranslation of the original story. Khaldi which comes from khalid an arabic name is muslim and the so called priest were two sufi sheikhs that is also credited with introduction of coffee to yemen and priest being the european translation of sheikh.
Give me a way to read it. I want to know more about this Sheikh Samaroon