Fob girl acting like a say Wallahi


She’s cute :shaq:
Arent you a woman
Nick Young Wtf GIF
I knew a couple of girls like that. The furthest they’ve been away from Somalia was Ethiopia, yet they were adamant about being say walaahis :ulyin:

She has perfect Somali grammar, that’s where she fucked up. And is using that voice Fobs use when teasing say wallahis, the baby voice :birdman:
I knew a couple of girls like that. The furthest they’ve been away from Somalia was Ethiopia, yet they were adamant about being say walaahis :ulyin:

She has perfect Somali grammar, that’s where she fucked up. And is using that voice Fobs use when teasing say wallahis, the baby voice :birdman:
why do they want to mimic diaspora ?