Food aid during harvesting time

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Foreign 'aid agencies' are undermining local productivity by bringing 'food aid' during harvesting time.

It makes my blood boil Wallahi - this xaasid faasiqiin want to destroy our agricultural market and call it "aid". That's Orwellian double-speak if I ever saw it.
Its absolutely disgusting and its in your face. Problem is we dont have a way of discouraging or physically putting a stop to this practice. I dont for one minute believe the un along with wfp and like minded organisations have our best have interest. Whats even more sad is that we dont have 1 mp or leader that can say anything about this. Its crystal clear they want us needy and in poverty.
Its absolutely disgusting and its in your face. Problem is we dont have a way of discouraging or physically putting a stop to this practice. I dont for one minute believe the un along with wfp and like minded organisations have our best have interest. Whats even more sad is that we dont have 1 mp or leader that can say anything about this. Its crystal clear they want us needy and in poverty.

I'm not surprised dadkaan have realised a consistent paycheck buys loyalty from these hungry faaraxs who are probably thinking 'I might as well take lacagta because if I don't, some other Faarax will' -- what happened to fearing Allah? What happened to looking out for the little guy?

Wallahi in our government people who are honest are actually pushed out and fear for their life. I know of someone who's father was a wasiir and she said he kept getting threatened because he refused to give in to the corruption. Hada he has been pushed out completely. The whole place is a sham and hadaa qof daacad oo Ilaahi ka baqo tahey - you better watch out because people will want you dead.
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