For the doomers

Internet Nomad

Here is footage from Kigali
Look at the cleanliness and orderly manner of the people living there. Rwanda was one of the first nations to ban single use plastics. On the last Saturday of every month people all get around to clean the streets. People all over the world have appreciated Rwanda for its cleanliness

They are booming business wise as they are getting investment from all over the world and innovating the way we deliver medicine to hard to reach places.
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They have been through a genocide type event like many Somali clans did. But what’s different is they got up and started rebuilding themselves but we instead isolated ourselves into regions that try and pretend the other guy doesn’t exist.

People are calling it the fastest genocide.
We could’ve been called the fastest civil war but nope.

Internet Nomad

So in short.

The sun ray of hope is that things are starting to move at a pace where we can catch up if we just try 30% harder than we are doing now.

Internet Nomad

If you google anything about Rwandans all you see is people talking about their genocide in a respectful manner and how great they are and what an inspiration they are.

No one mocks Rwandans on the whole continent even if they are doing some brutal stuff in the Congo. Nobody calls the Tutsi anti-black or mocks them.

We can change our public image too but we have to change ourselves first.
“Doomers” are just being realistic. I appreciate optimism as much as the next guy, but a lot of the time the optimism expressed on online Somali circles borders delusion.

On the other hand, it’s not only the Somali diaspora that suffers from this problem. I’ve seen the same in pretty much most African diaspora online. I remember those African fools cheering when the Sahel was experiencing all those coups, thinking these new “leaders” were gonna save Africa or some bullshit. Turns out, it’s just more of the same. The usual oppression, poverty and corruption, just with a different face.

Nothing wrong with optimism but it does not mean we should ignore or downplay the numerous problems we have.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
“Doomers” are just being realistic. I appreciate optimism as much as the next guy, but a lot of the time the optimism expressed on online Somali circles borders delusion.

On the other hand, it’s not only the Somali diaspora that suffers from this problem. I’ve seen the same in pretty much most African diaspora online. I remember those African fools cheering when the Sahel was experiencing all those coups, thinking these new “leaders” were gonna save Africa or some bullshit. Turns out, it’s just more of the same. The usual oppression, poverty and corruption, just with a different face.

Nothing wrong with optimism but it does not mean we should ignore or downplay the numerous problems we have.
Diaspora are overoptimistic, locals are despondent. Somali politicians & diaspora ironically are the two most alike in terms of outlook, albeit the former is because their pockets are lined by NGO Aid money that is meant for the public and the latter doesn't live day to day in the utopia they dream about.

When talking politics, scaling is as important as the policy itself. Bari, the largest gobol in Somalia is bigger than Qatar. Rwanda is smaller than PL. This matters because economic policy & development in a smaller region with less external forces is far easier to develop than large regions with multiple interests and countless external forces.

As a diaspora, it is easy to be somewhat optimistic given it doesn't have to be our place of residency. But if we were to have our passports rescinded and forced to be there, that "optimism" will disappear very very fast.

I too had that optimism, with a wishful thinking I could contribute to change, but the system is set up so nothing will fundamentally change. So I'm taking my skillset and family to a place which does value it while also being a Muslim nation (GCC, South East Asia Muslim majority) - places which have the perfect blend of East & West. I've tapped out of this long dream of contributing to my country, as Aabo told me focus on yourself & your family, Somalia will be the how it is for our lifetime.

Internet Nomad

“Doomers” are just being realistic. I appreciate optimism as much as the next guy, but a lot of the time the optimism expressed on online Somali circles borders delusion.

On the other hand, it’s not only the Somali diaspora that suffers from this problem. I’ve seen the same in pretty much most African diaspora online. I remember those African fools cheering when the Sahel was experiencing all those coups, thinking these new “leaders” were gonna save Africa or some bullshit. Turns out, it’s just more of the same. The usual oppression, poverty and corruption, just with a different face.

Nothing wrong with optimism but it does not mean we should ignore or downplay the numerous problems we have.
All of our problems are solvable and can be done in short time with enough political support.

We face no existential threat and our people are not projected to be doomed in the future.

We currently are on a slow trajectory of economic growth and recovery.

Being cyclical doesn’t make you right.

IK being diaspora makes me more removed from the situation it also gives me the ability to see from a Birds Eye perspective.

I have been to the homeland multiple times in my life sometimes even consecutively and there hadn’t been a time I went and never saw it progress.

We have our setbacks but none so big it kicks us off trajectory.

Internet Nomad

This all propaganda sxb, Rwanda is still poor asf, same with the diamond company aka Botswana
Botswana has a bright future ahead for them nobody expects them to look like Seoul tomorrow but they are on their way.

Don’t drag them down by saying it’s propaganda when I’m showing proof of Kigali and how good it looks compared to what the been through.

Somalia have been through something similar albeit ours was worse imo but we hadn’t fully healed like they did. We are still playing with the tools(Qabil) that destroyed our nation.