FUCKED UP lies finnish people tell about somalis!

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When you repeat a lie over and over again, you will start to believe it.

Lies that anti-immigrant finnish people say about somalis:

1. Somalit on afrikan vihatuin kansa= somalis are the most hated nation in africa
2. Somalit on afrikan mustalaisia= somalis are the gypsies of Africa
3. somali tutkittu älykkyysosamäärä on 68= Somalis IQ is proven to be 68

When you ask about how come we are the most hated in Africa, they will say that "a kenyan/gambian/nigerian work friend told me". I think its a lie that just kept going on and know people believe it.

This facebook-status is about a courtcase in which somali family is accusing finnish family of racism (for example the finnish guys wife hold her nose when somalis where walking past). They said the guy called them but he said he would never call a somali "" because it would be an insult to "other africans" aka the real .

Yes, he actually thinks somalis are hated the most by other africans. What kind of FUCKED UP reputation we have here??

"The judge asked the man why did he said calling "" somali is insulting? The man said he was coaching a gambian guy in workplace and called "somali" in which the gambian answered back that "i would rather be called a than somali". The gambian was insulted.
When a """"white"""" person online says "an Ethiopian friend told me". 9/10 its Habashi JIDF shill:chrisfreshhah:

The 68 IQ and all the other bullshit applies to white supremacists in general, not just finns

The irony is that finns aren't even white:pachah1:
Simply we don't have functioning government or good Somali that defends us or highlight the positive side. Also people like abdijohnson/stupid trolls contributed to our reputation.
When a """"white"""" person online says "an Ethiopian friend told me". 9/10 its Habashi JIDF shill:chrisfreshhah:

The 68 IQ and all the other bullshit applies to white supremacists in general, not just finns

The irony is that finns aren't even white:pachah1:

You are part of problem with your trolling in 4channel and your the fake threads about Somalis. Beware karma is and your troll thread will backfire you or mess the life of your beloved one. A racist doctor, judge, teacher and lawyer would be read and believe your threads.
You are part of problem with your trolling in 4channel and your the fake threads about Somalis. Beware karma is and your troll thread will backfire you or mess the life of your beloved one. A racist doctor, judge, teacher and lawyer would be read and believe your threads.
When did I make threads about Somalis on 4chan:what1:
No one here makes threads about Somalis on 4chan
You went there for trolling and post the link here (thread about ancient civilization of Egypt) and 4chan made thread insulting Somalis.
I was trolling white people only
I never mentioned that I was Somali and that hate thread came 2 weeks later
They have nothing to do with each other. Isolated incidents


Gaalkacyo Gangster
You are part of problem with your trolling in 4channel and your the fake threads about Somalis. Beware karma is and your troll thread will backfire you or mess the life of your beloved one. A racist doctor, judge, teacher and lawyer would be read and believe your threads.
Lol, there's no doctors, lawyers, judges or teachers on 4chan, I can assure you of that. The only reason I don't mind trolling them is because they hate us already. That place is full of racists and degenerates. I don't do that on other forums.
Lol, there's no doctors, lawyers, judges or teachers on 4chan, I can assure you of that. The only reason I don't mind trolling them is because they hate us already. That place is full of racists and degenerates. I don't do that on other forums.
Typical /pol/ "discussion":

Poster 1: (says something logical)

Other posters:
>CTR shill!!!!
>Jew lies
>ur not white

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