Listen to the old man at 1:25 mark. It's hilarious he said the sky had clouds till you 3 came(jl, sw, hirshabelle), get out of our town we dont see any clouds anymore when the southerners come loooooooool.
I am laughing my ass off loooooooooool. Listen to the abuse he gives 'rahanwayn' president. He says 50 people are killed in your town every day, what are you doing in garowe. He blasts Madoobe too and says you gave birth to these shababs when you were in ras kamboni, these vampires that are eating people in your town. Get the hell out of here he said Madoobe. He is pleading with puntlanders saying lets deport these southerners and open up the skys again because the sky is closed when they come.
If Hawiye/Isaaq/Rahanwayn want to see who are real puntlander is and who really represents us. Is this old man here. You can understand the real puntlander by listening to this man.
That's all we need to tell non puntlanders. From 8:55 mark till the end, sums up pretty much the right wing conservatives in Puntland. Pro sececssionists
Is it me or is 'reer garowe' in general very pro-secession? you noticed farole, aaran jaan, and all the people I meet from garowe young and old are fed up with Somalia. Infact I am getting the same vibe across the more 'unity' states such as bari-mudug. We should conduct a census in each town, if Puntlanders actually are tired of Somali bullshit and cut our losses?.
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