Watch the 3:44 mark, walahi it reminds when my dad speaks to his old mates from old somalia about the crazyness in the nation. That's exactly how they laugh when they 'yuu id00r isku xoraynaya, ma somali ba isagu' and they all start laughing like that kkkk and they say 'gormay ku heeshiyeen dawlad, ma reerahi baan hub ka dhigtay ba dawlad ba' kkkk and the one they crack up about is 'his king is in london today kkk' sayidki wixi dhan uu halgamayay ceel bay ku dhacday kkkk. That's all how they laugh and say war naga daa yaanan la si foogaynin langaabku
Majerten are very nice in 'person' they won't make u feel bad, but in their own space, vicious and it's real talk. The older people i notice don't take the isaaq serious, waa dadka dhalinyarada oo wax mooda.