Galmudug President And Senators Attacked And Wounded By Shabab





Baabuur uu waday qof is-miidaamiye ah ayaa lala beegsaday tuulada Laas Gacamey oo u dhaxaysa degaaada Wisil iyo Bacaadweyne ee gobolka Mudug.
Dad ku sugan Wisil ayaa laga soo xigtay in qaraxa lagu weeraray goob ay ku sugnaayeen madaxweynaha Galmudug, saraakiil ka tirsan qaybaha ciidamada, iyo xildhibano ka tirsan baarlamanka Soomaaliya.

Weerarka ayaa waxaa ka dhashay khasaare xooggan oo isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac sida ay wararka xaqiijinayaan.

Taliyaha ciidanka darawiishta Galmudug Jeneral Maxamed Nuur Cali Gadaar ayaa xaqiijiyay geerida ciidamo ka tirsan madaxtooyada Galmudug iyo dhaawaca askar kale.

Taliye Gadaar ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in madaxweynaha Galmudug, xildhiban Cabdi Qaybdiid, xildhiban Dhabancad iyo mas’uuliyiintii ku sugnayd deegaanka Laas Gacamay ay badqabaan.

Waxaase uu xusay in Sen. Cabdi Qeyb-diid iyo xildhibaan Dhabancad oo ka tirsan Baarlamanka Soomaaliya ay dhaawacyo ka soo gaareen weerarka oo ay sheegatay kooxda AS.



Even the senator abdiqaybdid and GM president are not safe and shabab has local 'intel' at any-time. I hope their dis-unity continues in Hawiye land, they will forever be exploited. Lets pray they dont ever unite like Dhulbahante did, unity will end shabab.

@The Midlands


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Even the senator abdiqaybdid and GM president are not safe and shabab has local 'intel' at any-time. I hope their dis-unity continues in Hawiye land, they will forever be exploited. Lets pray they dont ever unite like Dhulbahante did, unity will end shabab.

@The Midlands
This is HAG in nutshell all that igu sawir I bet that old man Dhabancad regrets doing that now
This is HAG in nutshell all that igu sawir I bet that old man Dhabancad regrets doing that now

The brave old Mujahid Dhabancad is in the trenches liberating other Somali clans lands, while your retarded coward handicap uncle farmaajo was stuck in his room for 5 years in fear of HGs assassination, walahi some men are built different.


The brave old Mujahid Dhabancad is in the trenches liberating other Somali clans lands, while your retarded coward handicap uncle farmaajo was stuck in his room for 5 years in fear of HGs assassination, walahi some men are built different.

90 year mooriyaan. Who is stealing public funds on his death bed.

That old tuug sums up your clan. Your wadaad tuug or young tuug your elderly tuug. Your politicians tuugo.
90 year mooriyaan. Who is stealing public funds on his death bed.

That old tuug sums up your clan. Your wadaad tuug or young tuug your elderly tuug. Your politicians tuugo.

:yousmart:These brave men you call tuugo took 99% of all your cowards marexaan clan lands in central Somalia, so show respect waryaa!


@TekNiKo futo xume GM president and Senators can't even protect their own 'security' as if they can protect GM security. The reality is PSF forces are doing their security work in hobyo/harardheere, their only SAFE there where Majerten forces are. Outside of this zone, GM is volatile, weak, prone to security breaches even to the point where GM president is scared 4 his life.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
The brave old Mujahid Dhabancad is in the trenches liberating other Somali clans lands, while your retarded coward handicap uncle farmaajo was stuck in his room for 5 years in fear of HGs assassination, walahi some men are built different.

This is the same oday that betrayed Farmaajo and sided with Rooble when he was merely an interim speaker. I am gonna be smokin on big Dhabancad pack tonight💨💨


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
@TekNiKo futo xume GM president and Senators can't even protect their own 'security' as if they can protect GM security. The reality is PSF forces are doing their security work in hobyo/harardheere, their only SAFE there where Majerten forces are. Outside of this zone, GM is volatile, weak, prone to security breaches even to the point where GM president is scared 4 his life.
I dont consider Galmudug even a state its simply a couple of hamlets ruled by AS and mooryan :russ:

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
:yousmart:These brave men you call tuugo took 99% of all your cowards marexaan clan lands in central Somalia, so show respect waryaa!
when marexaan reconcillation with their fellow darood tribesmen has completed.

best believe there will be gaalkacyo moments all over the darood territories that are now under other qabiils.

darood infight= hawiye might kkkkk

i personaly cannot wait for the day galbeed rejoins somalia :D

everyone will behave all of a sudden kkkkk
when marexaan reconcillation with their fellow darood tribesmen has completed.

best believe there will be gaalkacyo moments all over the darood territories that are now under other qabiils.

darood infight= hawiye might kkkkk

i personaly cannot wait for the day galbeed rejoins somalia :D

everyone will behave all of a sudden kkkkk
i truly hope so, in the meantime please ignore my posts and dont respond to me. :nvjpqts:


I dont consider Galmudug even a state its simply a couple of hamlets ruled by AS and mooryan :russ:

Maybe we need to set up criterias on what a state means and removing them from the upper house, you shouldn't get state rights, if you don't fullfill it's responsibility.😊

1. Peaceful assembly to create a constitution
2. Govt control 100% on it's territory
3. Security
4. Rule of law instruments such as parliament,police-courts-prisons
5. Socio economic development
6. Public confidence and International confidence

GM would fulfill none of that but is a state in name only, it's a booli qaran wanting state rights but does none of the work. Hawiye doesnt know hard work, they want free rides. I am sick of us bending over backwards 4 them, even my dad tried in 99 hamar. It won't work. We can't keep adjusting everything we set up and give hawiye a free ride becuz their incompetent.
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Maybe we need to set up criterias on what a state means and removing them from the upper house, you shouldn't get state rights, if you don't fullfill it's responsibility.😊

1. Peaceful assembly to create a constitution
2. Govt control 100% on it's territory
3. Security
4. Rule of law instruments such as parliament,police-courts-prisons
5. Socio economic development
6. Public confidence and International confidence

GM would fulfill none of that but is a state in name only, it's a booli qaran wanting state rights but does none of the work. Hawiye doesnt know hard work, they want free rides. I am sick of us bending over backwards 4 them, even my dad tried in 99 hamar. It won't work. We can't keep adjusting everything we set up and give hawiye a free ride becuz their incompetent.
HAG only thrive under Darood tutelage and rule. They prefer a top down approach but cannot execute it themselves. Just look at Hirshabelle and GM both absolute jokes. I remember my ader told me “Hawiye darood ku dhex jirkiis bani aadan yahay”

They actually thrived the most under MSB.
HAG only thrive under Darood tutelage and rule. They prefer a top down approach but cannot execute it themselves. Just look at Hirshabelle and GM both absolute jokes. I remember my ader told me “Hawiye darood ku dhex jirkiis bani aadan yahay”

They actually thrived the most under MSB.

dude if we liked MSB he wouldn't have died in a toilet in nigeria, stop the BS.


HAG only thrive under Darood tutelage and rule. They prefer a top down approach but cannot execute it themselves. Just look at Hirshabelle and GM both absolute jokes. I remember my ader told me “Hawiye darood ku dhex jirkiis bani aadan yahay”

They actually thrived the most under MSB.

This fool criticizes Farmajo @Hafiiid for doing nothing on shabab, that's like dhulbahante criticizing PL for doing nothing. How can PL do something when their disunited, how can farmajo do anything 4 hawiye when he knows your not united, hawiye in laysku dilo ma war ba? even tho it heads nowhere and shabab will find ways to exploit divided hawiye, revert to insurgency, seek new black market weapons from iran. Intu hawiye isracsanayn, waxba looma gaban karo except to reduce pointless waste of life with no outcome. If hawiye was united, it would be different story just like dhulbahante found out also.

Unity waa sharaf as SSC found out, unlike u HAGS, they actually used their brains to unite. U guys won't unite and blame others only.

The best solution is focus on hamar so the nation doesnt all suffer and let meelaha fiyow to develop and maybe justs maybe they will come back n rescue meelaha kale or just cede GM/HS to shabab on the grounds they dont attack hamar. I wud consider those talks to sacrifice gm/hs to shabab in return they leave the capital alone as it effects all Somalis.
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