Trees on a runway is a massive risk. Grass on the other hand would work fine. I’m sure there are certain types of grass in Somalia that can maintain their health with less water.
Trees on a runway is a massive risk. Grass on the other hand would work fine. I’m sure there are certain types of grass in Somalia that can maintain their health with less water.
It's in case the planes misses the runway. You don't want bunch of trees everywhereIdk any bird experts on here I think that would attract lots of birds not good for the planes
Why do these people hate trees? Are they allergic to it? Trees and fountains of water need to be landscaped into the airport grounds. The Airport is the first impression of an ummah.
It needs resources. Hopefully, as the economy grows and the govt collects more taxes, projects like these will be undertaken.
With that in mind, the start is good now. Not sure if you saw but trees were already planted there. I think the city govt - not the state govt - should undertake this effort. It should be funded as part of their tax collection plan. The diaspora needs to help as well. The expectation that everything will be done there and the diaspora will return while everything is ready should change.
Well you are right the diaspora and local partnership need to be done I agree, at what level will it be done is the question at the sub clan level, district level, tuulo level, Puntland level. We hold many useless diaspora forum and just talk nonsense and meet up the next year for the same nonsense talk on or celebrating PL anniversary.
We must set up a 5 year plan between diaspora and locals and set goals we want to achieve within those five years whether it's economical, social, environmental, infrastructure funding, etc. we must agree to some common goals and principles that we want to see a better Puntland then where it was five years prior.
We must set up a strict governance and transparency tho to ensure their is full confidence that allocated funds will reach it's allocated task. We must set up reporting so ppl are aware of the tasks and scope being undertaken and what pillar or goal it supports in the diaspora and local partnership. We need a lessons learned each five years on challenges encountered, tasks incomplete, etc so we don't repeat it.