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Awdal has accepted puntland livestock even has a ministry and nidaam and someone to speak to, there is no vacuum allowed even for animals. But he never answere what about galmudug who for 30 years has no administration, as usual a deafening silence that I am used to in Somali conferences when I raise this valid points, they just go 'silent' as they can't admit even an animal in our region is under a government and those people in galmudug are not, meaning the animal is superior, this goes against their religious belief that humans are superior to animals, but they cannot prove that is the case in galmudug as they have clearly shown this religious view is a lie and made up as animals can be superior to humans dependin what society they are in.

The money spent on dogs in the west is three times the size of somalia whole GDP, go check the 'dog grooming sector' worth. So I am very unconventional I know and people find me controversial but the actual points are not refuted it's 'ignored' as it's to much to 'accept' for them that some somalis are lower then animals, I can face this criticism and realize there has to be something that has to change but a typical somali won't as he brushes it away and goes back to looking at 'bantu' or something to keep time dedicated to 'ignore' the flaws of certain people in the nation.


The GM story baffles me the most not on 'tribal hate' but it's different to the 'south' who are 'disarmed' population and a former colony territory, they have an excuse for their disorder as they shuffle thru which colonial master they choose(turkey, xalane, UN, SFG) iyagu 'choice' ba loo sameeyay, they will select as they know what they are 'historically' and even today, their just being 'hijacked' by troublemakers from the northern region and GM is big 'founder' of this as all Somalis know.

While his regional people are less organized then even livestock in PL which re-inforces the theory that Keenadiid came to a similar people that were disorganized just like u see now(i judge history if I see it replicated today in my eyes) and created an order for them while the south enjoyed a colonial status in the past and this is replicated today as u can see there is no avoiding this fact as it has replicated before your very eyes.

Why they don't just accept this is historical or else why is it your still the same as keenadiid says about u if he is lying? there is no lie, you need to really sit down for treaty reserve option or PL option but a GM option is never happening because you couldnt do it in the past, what makes u think it will happen today?

Mind boggling how some Somalis fight over a govt and then choose to be state less if they don't get power, that means your lower then animal as the animal is governed. It just boggles my mind why u wud choose to step out of a government kkkkk, government is in your interest regardless who rules kkk its not competition cause you fall back down lower then livestock if u dont create one, its not competition ama ana wax rabi, your whole people can be shown to be less then livestock of other region
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All GM did was spread his 'lawless' regions into the South on peaceful people who were un-armed, his region is the same. Bring all arabs, europeans, and even shabab and show them this region is still un-governed like keenadiid said to somalis, dahir aways hala tusiyo dadkisa siday uu eek yihin inay xoolaha puntland mamul hos yimaado. Show dahir aways iyo islamka iyo aduunka uu yeer si loo bandhigo ninkani wuxu yahay oo diidan saldanadisa lagu daboolo ee puntland oo doortay inu banankasi iska faristo sida awoowashisa.

U need to show somalis indhahooda wax tabanayo soo wareeji dhulkisa bal arag dheh ka bacdi waxad la sinta xoolaha puntland iyo siday uu nidamsan yihin. Isagu hadu nidaam diido uu sheeg, waxaa galaysa axdi loo talo galay dadyow mamul haysan jirin oo mamulkooda ka soo cararay ma jiro vacuum, wasarad ayaa hos imanaysa xitaa xoolaha ayaa wasaarad hos timaado. Beentisa iyo isku dirkisa waa dhamaanaysa, ma haysto dad uu mamul la dhisto wax isdharbaxayan ka bacdi ma rabo inu isku dhiibo suldankisa horey marka banankasi ayuu iska faristay sida awoowashisa marki loo yimi, he feels 'embarassed' and inferior marka wuxu isku qariya fowdo koonfurta lakin PL waa yaqan anagu nooma been sheegi karo only koonfurta maybe