Gay marriage is alot better than heterosexual marriage

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Gays can choose to have kids if they want to; straights have no choice if they are married.

Gays have two incomes coming in for two people; straight people mostly have one income for one other partner and many kids.

Gay couples can go on many worldwide vacations; straight people can only afford to go on 2 day road trips once a year.

Gay couples can afford whatever they want and not have to budget.



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ


Homosexuality is a mental illness. In the future people will look back at this era and they'll be baffled how this insanity was normalized.


A lot of gay men are " adopting " boys to use them as sex toys.

They can now merge two male y-chromosomes then insert it into a 'blanc' female egg and create a biologic kid for a gay couple. But it's so expensive that only the elites can afford it.



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
They can now merge two male y-chromosomes then insert it into a 'blanc' female egg and create a biologic kid for a gay couple. But it's so expensive that only the elites can afford it.



I didn't know this, the more you know ennit.


Gay men are one of the highest risk groups when it comes getting HIV.

:camby:inkar qabe.
Gay men are one of the highest risk groups when it comes getting HIV.

:camby:inkar qabe.

The overwhelming majority of those with HIV are straight people.

HIV is manageable. Physicians have said diabetes is much worse. Those with HIV live just as long as those without it and can still have kids and a normal sex life. HIV becomes undetectable after a few months of treatment.
Researchers have found out that kids who grow in households where 1 parent is a , to have all kinds of mental illness and problems.

So quit lying.
1 out of 5 people get mental illness. Mental illness is common to all sorts of people. Somalis is 1/3 but I suspect it's more than half.

Gay people have higher incomes than straight people on average. Gay people beat straight people in many measures.
Whats the point of having higher income if you are constantly depressed and ostracized from your own community?

Do you use that money to drink yourself to sleep so u could cope?

Damn shame walaahi.
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