Gedo rejects Madobe and wants to represent itself on the coming dialogue about the election.


Gedo admin can't legally be at the consultative meeting as it opens a can of worms, but they need to demand representation in the JL admin they have none so far. Imagine a whole region not represented in the FMS that is caqli lix saac, Kikuyus do not know how to run a protectorate properly lol.

but what does not cause any ripple affect is the MP selection, that will take place in Garboharey, and any one in JL can relocate their seat over there, its perfectly legal to do so, which means pretty much all of JL MPs will be selected in Garboharey inshallah, and the Kenyan protectorate that is Kismaayo will only get few Ogadeni MPs

@Waaqmasho @reer


Gedo admin can't legally be at the consultative meeting as it opens a can of worms, but they need to demand representation in the JL admin they have none so far. Imagine a whole region not represented in the FMS that is caqli lix saac, Kikuyus do not know how to run a protectorate properly lol.

but what does not cause any ripple affect is the MP selection, that will take place in Garboharey, and any one in JL can relocate their seat over there, its perfectly legal to do so, which means pretty much all of JL MPs will be selected in Garboharey inshallah, and the Kenyan protectorate that is Kismaayo will only get few Ogadeni MPs

@Waaqmasho @reer
Gedo has enough representation say what you want but we have figured out the clan distribution perfectly. You Negyle Borans have a one clan system in Gedo


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Gedo shall represent itself and I agree they deserve a seat at the FMS meeting because the Mayor of Kismayo does not represent anyone but his minority clan in Dhoobley. I urge PM Rooble to invite Governor Buuley.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

As the recognition of Madoobe dwindles with only 50 days remaining we invite all JL stakeholders to join us in electing a new JL president in Garbaharray in order to free ourselves from foreign meddling in the occupied city of Kismayo. We invitr the oppressed Jaraarweyne, Cawrmale, Sheekhaal, Awlyahan to join us in carving out a new state free from the threat of violence. Welcome to the new and free JL.



As the recognition of Madoobe dwindles with only 50 days remaining we invite all JL stakeholders to join us in electing a new JL president in Garbaharray in order to free ourselves from foreign meddling in the occupied city of Kismayo. We invitr the oppressed Jaraarweyne, Cawrmale, Sheekhaal, Awlyahan to join us in carving out a new state free from the threat of violence. Welcome to the new and free JL.


Another failed show case!!!
Another failed Gedo political circus .
Stop wasting time of Reer people.
I feel sorry what is going In Gedo.
Eithopian army will leave soon, what is the plan