German Women Against Trump Chant "Allahu Akbar"

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kkkk women are the forefront of change as I have said in Europe. Many white leftist women actually
have no problem with converting to Islam.

When the cuck levels is too strong



The reason white women are looking up to Muslims is because it is Alpha male centered,
they have had enough of cucks (white western men) and want to be ruled with a set
of rules.
The reason white women are looking up to Muslims is because it is Alpha male centered,
they have had enough of cucks (white western men) and want to be ruled with a set
of rules.
So true. At the end women find it easier to function with a man who lays the law down than one she can walk all over
This is no surprise, as intolerable as they are, they are not cursed with the worst form of diseases like pride, which the conservative non-Muslim have in abundance.

You cannot revert/convert if you have that disease in your heart, regardless whatever evidence is tossed in that person's face.
The Women's March is much more than a bunch of angry unemployed feminists exposing their sagging breasts. It has little to do with women

It was created or is supported by hundreds of human rights groups, Muslim and Christian and leftist Jewish groups, race based groups, environmental groups, health care groups, mother's groups, you name it. The strangest I saw was local union 738483 whatever Brotherhood of Electricians.

I wouldn't be surprised if a Somali organization is also connected.

What connection would CAIR have with a transgender/1 million pronouns organization? Or a black women's lawyer association have with Boys Scouts? The answer is George Soros. The real question is who doesn't this self hating Jew fund?

Why is this man even politicizing groups that aren't supposed to be political?
The Women's March is much more than a bunch of angry unemployed feminists exposing their sagging breasts. It has little to do with women

It was created or is supported by hundreds of human rights groups, Muslim and Christian and leftist Jewish groups, race based groups, environmental groups, health care groups, mother's groups, you name it. The strangest I saw was local union 738483 whatever Brotherhood of Electricians.

I wouldn't be surprised if a Somali organization is also connected.

What connection would CAIR have with a transgender/1 million pronouns organization? Or a black women's lawyer association have with Boys Scouts? The answer is George Soros. The real question is who doesn't this self hating Jew fund?

Why is this man even politicizing groups that aren't supposed to be political?
This nigga went full breitbart
This nigga went full breitbart

I don't read Brietbart. I don't like the way it looks and I find it loads too slowly.

Go look at their own official website. You'll be stunned at all the random special interest groups and organizations that have created them or sponsored or provided support to them. The list is in the hundreds.

This is why you're seeing those German feminist lesbians say "Allahu Akbar". They've all come together because Soros said so or they don't get their money. There are conditions to his funding
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