Ghaabdha somaliyeed hala Gaaraco! betch

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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Evil prick, I bet he sells drugs or something. Calling your daughter a is something else, he treats her like one of his 'hos'.

Black Americans are prolly better off not having fathers if this is what they consider good parenting.


She most likely ran away from his abusive behaviour in the first instance and she'll probably run away again after this humiliating, painful 'punishment'.


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How is this effective? Why do humans resort to beating their children when they cross the line? It's inefficient and counter productive. By beating your child you're not instilling values, morals and respect in them. You're instilling fear. And fear is not sustainable in the long run cos they will eventually become adults and won't fear you anymore.
She most likely ran away from his abusive behaviour in the first instance and she'll probably run away again after this humiliating, painful 'punishment'.

this is exactly the problem facing fathers who want to lay down the law. They are paralyzed by fear of their child running away, the state getting involed and forcibly removing the child. So basically the fathers has to do silly unproductive stuff like take away her phone her or pocket money as if that will have a impact on her. Some children really need to be beat. It's only recently the west stopped smacking kids, but what happened before that? it was normal for a beatdown diciplinary action. There was never children running away in thuge numbers because it part of growing up. the law encourages this nonsense and disobedience to the parents and in the end it harms the kid more ofthen than not.
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