Girls back home VS The west

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Now both are religious and do alot of cooking and cleaning for their families

But the ones back home id say are miskeen and gullible they believe everything you tell them especially if your from the Us or Europe and they dont mind marrying a Old man whose older Than her father

Now the ones in the west Pursue a college/university degree they know what they want and are alot more demanding in a guy Than the ones back home they dont Seattle with less and come to think of it I dont think Ive Ever seen a girl who lives in europe get married to a old grandpa

At the end of the day both are hardworking, strong,resilient Women
Weak to go after someone just because they are easier to manipulate. Especially since you just mentioned they are both hardworking, strong resilient, religious women, who knows how to cook and clean. So choosing someone from back home over someone in the west comes down to two things. Being easy to manipulate and having lower standards.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Weak to go after someone just because they are easier to manipulate. Especially since you just mentioned they are both hardworking, strong resilient, religious women, who knows how to cook and clean. So choosing someone from back home over someone in the west comes down to two things. Being easy to manipulate and having lower standards.
Yeah pretty much why else do you think a someone who lives in the west would get a wife or a 2nd wife back home and not in the west?


Yeah pretty much why else do you think a someone who lives in the west would get a wife or a 2nd wife back home and not in the west?

Family pressure. Most all the people I know who married from back home were hella pressured into it, typically men. Sometimes, the girls they actually want to marry are shunned by their family to the point of leading the couple to break up, leaving the family free to pursue their agenda.

There's actually also some who do so willingly due to their perception of country girls being more "pure" of mind and body than girls in the West. But when they bring the FOB overseas, wallahi they learn so damn quick. These duuqs going back to marry younger women are getting trolled left and right, too. I've seen these so-called docile, easily manipulatable chicks deliver fatalities, wallahi.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Now both are religious and do alot of cooking and cleaning for their families

But the ones back home id say are miskeen and gullible they believe everything you tell them especially if your from the Us or Europe and they dont mind marrying a Old man whose older Than her father

Now the ones in the west Pursue a college/university degree they know what they want and are alot more demanding in a guy Than the ones back home they dont Seattle with less and come to think of it I dont think Ive Ever seen a girl who lives in europe get married to a old grandpa

At the end of the day both are hardworking, strong,resilient Women
They aren't gullible, it's a mealticket and an easy way out of a warzone. I find it kinda fucked up how people describe the sisters back home as gullibe gold digging neefs, the reason they're doing that is cause they usually have no choice as there is very little opportunity for young somali women back home to do something for themselves.

From a young age they're told that the greatest thing that they can do growing up is getting married and having children, they're denied education opportunities either by their families or by poverty. Going through FGM at a very young age and if they happen to be from weaker clans and/or minorities or are IDPs then they're living under the constant threat of rape with no recourse.

Marrying an old man or a loser from the west is then seen as a golden ticket, it's not a dumb move but a smart one as not only will they eat but their families too. The problem is that a lot of these women aren't very familiar with the laws and the rights that they have here in the west which leaves them at the hands of the ones that brought them there, I imagine it isn't unusual of these men to threaten these poor women with deportation.

They may seem cutthroat but that's because their enviroment requires them to, so no lets stop thinking of them as gullible when it's a very calculated move. Our somali sisters here in the west have way more opportunities and therefore also able to do much more with themselves because there isn't something inherently superior about them.

P.S. There are cases of older women here in the west marrying farahs back home but that happens to a way lesser degree, and although it's very problematic as well it's not really comparable considering all the misogyny.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
They aren't gullible, it's a mealticket and an easy way out of a warzone. I find it kinda fucked up how people describe the sisters back home as gullibe gold digging neefs, the reason they're doing that is cause they usually have no choice as there is very little opportunity for young somali women back home to do something for themselves.

From a young age they're told that the greatest thing that they can do growing up is getting married and having children, they're denied education opportunities either by their families or by poverty. Going through FGM at a very young age and if they happen to be from weaker clans and/or minorities or are IDPs then they're living under the constant threat of rape with no recourse.

Marrying an old man or a loser from the west is then seen as a golden ticket, it's not a dumb move but a smart one as not only will they eat but their families too. The problem is that a lot of these women aren't very familiar with the laws and the rights that they have here in the west which leaves them at the hands of the ones that brought them there, I imagine it isn't unusual of these men to threaten these poor women with deportation.

They may seem cutthroat but that's because their enviroment requires them to, so no lets stop thinking of them as gullible when it's a very calculated move. Our somali sisters here in the west have way more opportunities and therefore also able to do much more with themselves because there isn't something inherently superior about them.

P.S. There are cases of older women here in the west marrying farahs back home but that happens to a way lesser degree, and although it's very problematic as well it's not really comparable considering all the misogyny.

Yeah Basically a better option Than tahriib
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