Global Corruption Index Released Today! Somalia Ranked The Most Corrupt Country In The World Again!


@Garaad Awal @Almis @Itsnotthateasy @CurrentlyOnline

The score got worse over the past 2 years!
They did this the same year Somalia achieved debt relief through responsible fiscal management, and the same year the Central Bank of Somalia won a prestigious international award? This clearly shows you how this index has basically replaced the previous ‘failed state’ index to slander Somalia’s name and prevent it from rebuilding its reputation and brand.

It doesn’t help that HSM is such an incompetent. This index in previous years had to begrudgingly acknowledge that Somalia was steadily moving away from the top 5 and would have left the top 10 completely by now if that idiot had left the Anti-Corruption Commission in place. Now they can get away with this ‘perception’ slander, despite the fact that other countries are literally losing billions due to corruption, and Somalia cannot even compare to that level of misappropriation.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
I know they're lying, no country on earth is more corrupt than Kenya 😅
Kenya is corrupt but they get stuff done
They don’t skimp out on public infrastructure
Roads,Hospitals etc

In Somalia an official will receive money to build a hospital and you will end up seeing a building the size of a garage


They did this the same year Somalia achieved debt relief through responsible fiscal management, and the same year the Central Bank of Somalia won a prestigious international award? This clearly shows you how this index has basically replaced the previous ‘failed state’ index to slander Somalia’s name and prevent it from rebuilding its reputation and brand.
Except none of that matters, the listing is correct, I can’t name a single country more corrupt than Somalia


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Not surprising. It is also evident in the diaspora too; many Somalis see relationships or interactions as a means to personal gain, not to develop anything meaningful or to improve the lives of those around them socially, economically or politically. It probably explains why there is so much mental health issues in the community. They don't care about the ramifications of their actions as long as it benefits them. Somalis also have a very hard time delaying gratification. Somalis and Somalia will always be corrupt. It's time to have a discussion on every major issue, and their root causes, facing the Somali people. Anyone who thinks that corruption or whatever will magically go away with time or because of current Somali leaders who seem well intentioned or are Western-educated is deluded.


The corruption is so ingrained everyone from the president to a 6 year old knows internationally donated famine relief food will be rerouted for sale to the black markets while still in its UN packaging for all to see:damn:


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
accurate list. Hassan sheikh is as corrupt as they come. Bribing parliament, nepotism, land grabbing, tribalism, and refusing to safeguard our nations interests