God is energy??

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Intellectual saqajaan
I came across this Christian woman saying that god exists everywhere as energy. Her explanation is that the Big Bang couldn’t have happened on its own and that god is the original source of all energy. I’ve never heard this before. If god IS the source of the Big Bang, then you can say he is everywhere all the time.

Although organized religion is based on village logic from 3,000+ years ago, I wouldn’t mind them interpreting their religion like this woman. It would open the door to learning and people would completely change their views of god.

Muslims, what do you think of the idea that god exists as energy everywhere? You’ve been telling me god is everywhere and it looks like you could be correct. If you agree with this, what’s the logical extension of that thought process? Because it goes against everything your religion says.
@Bidaar Wanagsan @shan-futo-le


The last suugo bender
Well for starts its interesting i must say however even then its conceptualising what god is , we muslims do not know exactly what god is he is a being beyond our imagination wether he is energy or a state we do not know or have ever heard before we simply are left in the dark , why? because its not important what god looks like , in some sects within islam there is a believe that god is energy in the form of pure light , they use various surahs as evidence especially some hadith that claim when Allah shows himself to the souls in paradise they are blinded by his intense noor (light) .... still we cannot be too sure and personally speaking i don't wish to know 'what' he looks like i just know it in my instinct that he exists its even wrong of me to call him 'he' as god does not conform to our identities , one thing is for sure though i will not give allah the title of his creation , wether energy , light or any form of matter Allah is above his creation including energy!

(its rushed if it has grammatical errors .... me no care innit) :icon e biggrin:
The Quran says God is everywhere, in the North, East, South, and West, so the woman's comment is an Islamic assertion. Allah is omnipresent.

The Salafis deny this even though it is in the Qur'an. In this, as in much else, they are Qur'an rejectors who've abandoned God's revelation. Allah will destroy them in this world and the next.


The last suugo bender
yes its true in the qur'an allah himself states he is everywhere at all times , Allah also states that he is closer to us (our essence aka our true self aka our soul or spirit which ever you prefer to call it)

here he states “And indeed We have created man, and We know whatever thoughts his inner self develops, and We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein.” (Quran 50:16).

what a beautiful ayah !

Good to have you back. You've absconded lately. I heard you got hitched to an uncircumcised Pakistani brother with a fondness for Jack Daniels. Subxanallah. What is happening to our Somali sisters these days.


The last suugo bender
You're not studying physics by any chance are you. It would explain the ease with which you toss around terms like energy and sub atomic particles. Bisinka. I'm in ESL class naya. We don't understand them tings

LOL I was going to do computer science with a minor is physics but that didn't work I'm just doing computer science i still learn physics on the side tho, as a hobby kinda..
LOL I was going to do computer science with a minor is physics but that didn't work I'm just doing computer science i still learn physics on the side tho, as a hobby kinda..
No wonder you are misled. Everybody knows science is from the shaytan. Pious women should be chained to the kitchen sink barefoot and pop out ten kids before they're sixteen. Girls these days are spoiled. Combuutar syance kulaha.


The last suugo bender
No wonder you are misled. Everybody knows science is from the shaytan. Pious women should be chained to the kitchen sink barefoot and pop out ten kids before they're sixteen. Girls these days are spoiled. Combuutar syance kulaha.

There are two sides to science the material science (aka mainstream science) then there is the non material science the spiritual science the science of the unseen and untouched .... aka the funs stuff like hell i would give up the study of these for the kitchen although you could argue nearly everything we do today corresponds to science somehow (physics can vouch for me) :icon e wink:
There are two sides to science the material science (aka mainstream science) then there is the non material science the spiritual science the science of the unseen and untouched .... aka the funs stuff like hell i would give up the study of these for the kitchen although you could argue nearly everything we do today corresponds to science somehow (physics can vouch for me) :icon e wink:
Who's side are you on in this religious debate about science:



The last suugo bender
you're asking a muslim about the bible ??

in my opinion the holy books are not scientific books and the two should be separated ,
sex is a sin?? lol the modern bible is a mess.

i disagree with muslims that say islam is a scientific book its not! its a guidance not mankind and the human soul its discusses various topics , whether depression , the youth , inheritance the treatment of the poor the punishment of the evil ones , war , etc etc
The nurses let me out of the old people's home for the weekend. Surely a geriatric has a right to roam. There's a lotta discrimination against senior citizens these days. Didn't think you were one to partake in it. Very unSomali.
couldn't care less about boomers, except my grandparents of course :siilaanyosmile:
but welcome back!
you're asking a muslim about the bible ??

in my opinion the holy books are not scientific books and the two should be separated ,
sex is a sin?? lol the modern bible is a mess
Very wise. We need a separation of religion and science as much as we need separation between religion and politics.

Yes, that's what the early Church Fathers said - Sex is an evil, if a necessary one. That's an interpretation though. It's not in the Bible. Just like religious extremists in our own religion. I think all of religion comes down to interpretation though. God leaves it to human judgement.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Albert Einstein believed this, that God is manifested in the cosmological order of the universe. The phenomenon is called Deism
couldn't care less about boomers, except my grandparents of course :siilaanyosmile:
but welcome back!
Have you seen that movie I linked to - Inherit The Wind? It's about the famous court case about whether evolution can be taught in American classrooms. Powerful film. I think you'd like it.

The f*ck you mean about boomers? You'd better care naya. I will be your huzbund.


The last suugo bender
Very wise. We need a separation of religion and science as much as we need separation between religion and politics.

Yes, that's what the early Church Fathers said - Sex is an evil, if a necessary one. That's an interpretation though. It's not in the Bible. Just like religious extremists in our own religion. I think all of religion comes down to interpretation though. God leaves it to human judgement.

humans have innate curiosity and what i call preprogrammed library of known logistics that allah has given us there are things we know by instinct are right/ wrong this is what we call common sense its a base / foundation of many things including our morality and reason.

"Without doubt, the worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the deaf, the dumb, who do not use their ‘Aql’ (reason)"

And We had created/seeded to Hell many from the Jinns , and the human/mankind, for them (are) hearts/minds they do not understand/learn with it, and for them (are) eyes/sights they do not see/look/understand with it, and for them (are) ears they do not hear/listen with it, those are as the camels/livestock, but they are more misguided, those are the ignoring/neglecting.

Or do you think that most of them hear or understand("Akl")? They are no better than cattle; in fact they are farther astray from the path.

O Mankind! Now We have revealed unto you a Book that is all about you and it will give you eminence. Will you not, then, use your sense("Akl")?

They will reply, ‘Yes, a warner did come to us, but we did not believe him. We said, “God has revealed nothing: you are greatly misguided”.’

They will say, ‘If only we had really listened and used our intellect("Akl"), we would not have been Companions of the Blaze.’

36:62 And he (the devil) had (E) misguided many nations/creations from you, were you not being understanding/comprehending("Akl")?

any many more ...

hence its good to be a critical thinker and to seek knowledge for yourself the best you can do is question everything including islam and the Qur'an ask allah for guidance and you're already on the right path.
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