East Hararghe Governor Marwo Miski Mohamed, accompanied by officials from the region, visited Makanis, which was designated as a district last year. The governor has supposedly launched new projects in Makanis that are yet to be announced. Bear in mind, the district is less than 10km away from Jigjiga.
In early January, the Oromia regional state also began training local armed forces from Makanis alongside Jinacsani.
The rumor circulating is that the Oromia regional state will designate a city administration in Makanis district next. In the worst case scenario, not only would this occur, but there's also a possibility of an army base being established in Makanis.
In early January, the Oromia regional state also began training local armed forces from Makanis alongside Jinacsani.
The rumor circulating is that the Oromia regional state will designate a city administration in Makanis district next. In the worst case scenario, not only would this occur, but there's also a possibility of an army base being established in Makanis.