Governor of Gedo Threatens President Ahmed Madobe

Bro these guys are so irrelevant why can’t they use their energy towards Al-Shabaab? They can’t cross Degmo to Degmo in their region yet threaten President Madoobe.

There’s a saying for this: “Dhuuso geel caraf ma lahaan”

Sayid Axmed Madoobe Habaar Iyo Caay lagu kari waa!


From Kismaayo
Holy shit Is this guy the actual governor? It looks like he forced his miskiin western nephew to type this tweet, what government official would use “2” or “u” legitimately?


From Kismaayo
Bro these guys are so irrelevant why can’t they use their energy towards Al-Shabaab? They can’t cross Degmo to Degmo in their region yet threaten President Madoobe.

There’s a saying for this: “Dhuuso geel caraf ma lahaan”

Sayid Axmed Madoobe Habaar Iyo Caay lagu kari waa!
Madoobe doesn’t give 2 flying shits Wallahi
HSM needs to kick Ethiopia out of Gedo and bring this region under the FGS' authority. Afterwards with Gedo and liberated Middle Shabelle a new Jubaland that's a gareen FMS can proceed


HSM needs to kick Ethiopia out of Gedo and bring this region under the FGS' authority. Afterwards with Gedo and liberated Middle Shabelle a new Jubaland that's a gareen FMS can proceed
HSM needs to work with Gedo admin just as Farmaajo did, bringing a region under FGS authority happens through collaboration not force.

He should've dragged him when madobe was 60km away from him couple months back. These people are known to talk big talk but got no balls to walk the walk.
We Marehan won't stop expanding until whole of middle Juba and Kismaayo and Badhade and town is entirely ours, Ogaden are mistaking if they think Kenya will protect them forever ☺

Quote Reply
Madoobes time is soon up inshallah. Us reer koonfur galbeed will support MX in getting rid of A Madoobe and building a more fair and inclusive Jubbaland that is not restricted to Kismaayo.
HSM needs to kick Ethiopia out of Gedo and bring this region under the FGS' authority. Afterwards with Gedo and liberated Middle Shabelle a new Jubaland that's a gareen FMS can proceed
Even if Madoobe doesn’t compete in the next elections, Hamza will definitely be the next President.
Since when was Ceelqaaloow Kenya part of Gedo?
if It was celwaq, that's why it was ratified by the Somali PM, and Parliament. kkk.

Face it, you guys are only talk and no action. Madoobe was literally there, you could have attacked him with all the weapons farmajo gave you, why didn't you? because you ain't about that life.
Even if Madoobe doesn’t compete in the next elections, Hamza will definitely be the next President.
Rooble is next president, with another OG PM. As for JL, the next president will be another OG. That's without a doubt. We are not giving small teeth cousins a chance, but they can continue their fake faan online like the've been doing the last 10 years, and just like the last 10 years, it will not make any difference.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
if It was celwaq, that's why it was ratified by the Somali PM, and Parliament. kkk.

Face it, you guys are only talk and no action. Madoobe was literally there, you could have attacked him with all the weapons farmajo gave you, why didn't you? because you ain't about that life.
No it was ceelqaalow