Grain given to Somalia by Russia for FREE, looted through corruption of current gov

A whole thread based on a single Facebook post by a mucaarad with absolutely zero evidence presented, and a bunch of jabertis with preconceived notions and pure hatred ululating, how typical and how low.

At least in the old days, people tried to cook up evidence or exaggerate miniscule things, but now a single anonymous tweet or a FB post by a unknown opposition crook will suffice as evidence, and people are ready to throw away their akhira for a miserly price.
'Jabarti'...'Pure hatred'...'preconceived notions'....your hypocrisy and delusions are incredible. Try not to get so worked up, it aint that serious. :yousmart:
'Jabarti'...'Pure hatred'...'preconceived notions'....your hypocrisy and delusions are incredible. Try not to get so worked up, it aint that serious. :yousmart:
Hypocrisy? I don't make baseless slanderous threads based on anonymous FB posts than enter to cheerlead due to qabyaalad as you did, that's textbook definition of hypocrisy.

If someone claimed the same about Deni and the evidence presented was similarly as pathetic as this thread, you wouldn't see me cheerleading or throw accusations, that's the difference between us and you, it's part of your culture to be a slanderous libel cretin.
Hypocrisy? I don't make baseless slanderous threads based on anonymous FB posts than enter to cheerlead due to qabyaalad as you did, that's textbook definition of hypocrisy.

If someone claimed the same about Deni and the evidence presented was similarly as pathetic as this thread, you wouldn't see me cheerleading or throw accusations, that's the difference between us and you, it's part of your culture to be a slanderous libel cretin.
You are full of xaar. You came in blazing talking about 'jeberti' this and that kkk. You are worse than the people you accuse. You are only mad cause of the way this makes your tribesmen look. Pathetic.
You are full of xaar. You came in blazing talking about 'jeberti' this and that kkk. You are worse than the people you accuse. You are only mad cause of the way this makes your tribesmen look. Pathetic.
You talk so much shit yet you don’t state your qabil. B*tch ass tendencies if I ever seen it :pachah1:
You are full of xaar. You came in blazing talking about 'jeberti' this and that kkk. You are worse than the people you accuse. You are only mad cause of the way this makes your tribesmen look. Pathetic.
So you got triggered by 'jaberti' as if it's a slur, its simply a man from whom your tribesman claim descent, your former president popularized it.

Again didn't see a single condemnation from you on this thread from the slanderous libel against the president all of it coming from jabertis, but the moment I ask for evidence, I become the enemy, you have proven my point, as well as your hypocrisy and qabyaalad.
You haven't stated yours either so i'm not really sure why you would expect me to state mine. Am i supposed to be clairvoyant :mjdontkno:
I’m Abgaal I don’t hide that. Now Hadaad niin raag tahay state yours.

Yep Yes GIF by BrabantinBeelden
So you got triggered by 'jaberti' as if it's a slur, its simply a man from whom your tribesman claim descent, your former president popularized it.

Again didn't see a single condemnation from you on this thread from the slanderous libel against the president all of it coming from jabertis, but the moment I ask for evidence, I become the enemy, you have proven my point, as well as your hypocrisy and qabyaalad.
So because its the 'president' its against the president its libel and slander? Let me tell you something, the buck starts and stops with the president. Its called accountability and responsibility, something that many Somalis don't understand.

Btw, i've seen your qabiil based diatribes on this site so don't even start with that. You are one of the biggest hypocrites. Waxba ha iswaalin.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
@Inquisitive_ Farah Abdulkadir Mohamed is a reliable source. You think a random spreading lies on Facebook would be worth anyone’s time ? A lot of pro HSM use him as source too.
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Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Sometimes I wonder about you sxb. You are a nice guy though, I like you.
Sxb im actually lost trying to solve a code. I was looking at MJ face in that pic for 5min trying to find out if it’s a hidden meaning to a qabil.

doesn’t matter to me anyways, if your Somali that’s all there is to it.

