Great series

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Accomplished Saaxir
24 part series on the Cold War. The link to the episode discusses it's impact on the African continent in particular.
Note: Skip to 38:00 onwards where it discusses the Ogaden War.


Your superior
Where were the Arab cunts?

Dumb decision to kick out the soviets too. I suppose that is what happens when an illiterate dictator takes office


Accomplished Saaxir
Where were the Arab cunts?

Dumb decision to kick out the soviets too. I suppose that is what happens when an illiterate dictator takes office

His thinking was most likely that by being hostile to the Soviets, he'd thereby receive greater aid from the United States like the documentary stated. America however wasn't too interested in the Horn so his gamble failed.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
His thinking was most likely that by being hostile to the Soviets, he'd thereby receive greater aid from the United States like the documentary stated. America however wasn't too interested in the Horn so his gamble failed.

America was not interested in having a powerful muslim nation controlling the most busy traffic lane in the world. They wanted Somalia to fail from day one, they were always helping Ethiopia over Somalia. They were dismayed that Somalia was outclassing Ethiopia economically during the post colonial era so they gave them massive amount of aid. To this very day they are sending they are helping Ethiopia develop. And even when Somalia sought to buy weapons of the USA (before the 1969 coup) they rejected us because they knew Somalia would use them to fight Ethiopia.

The war ended catastrophically because Barre did not wait for the right time, and he did not have foreign support for the war. If he did we would be in possession of the Ogaden today. When the USSR started supporting Ethiopia he jumped he tried to get American support but they weren't interested at all. There was even a point in time when both the USSR and the USA were supporting Ethiopia. The US even gave them the F-5's so they could establish air superiority over the Somali Air Corps.

In his interviews Cabdullahi Yusuf suggests that it was the Arabs that told him you do not have the resources to win this war, and if you insist on holding on to those territories your army will perish and the Ethiopians may be able to take Somalia. They were being trained with incredible haste, if he stayed longer it would not be to his benefit.

The guy in video say that Somalia wasn't important in the Cold War but it was important enough to be meddled with by two super powers. It was important enough that the Soviets felt the need to air lift impressive amounts of arms, bring 15k Cuban soldiers, and military advisors.



Accomplished Saaxir
America was not interested in having a powerful muslim nation controlling the most busy traffic lane in the world. They wanted Somalia to fail from day one, they were always helping Ethiopia over Somalia. They were dismayed that Somalia was outclassing Ethiopia economically during the post colonial era so they gave them massive amount of aid. To this very day they are sending they are helping Ethiopia develop. And even when Somalia sought to buy weapons of the USA (before the 1969 coup) they rejected us because they knew Somalia would use them to fight Ethiopia.

The war ended catastrophically because Barre did not wait for the right time, and he did not have foreign support for the war. If he did we would be in possession of the Ogaden today. When the USSR started supporting Ethiopia he jumped he tried to get American support but they weren't interested at all. There was even a point in time when both the USSR and the USA were supporting Ethiopia. The US even gave them the F-5's so they could establish air superiority over the Somali Air Corps.

In his interviews Cabdullahi Yusuf suggests that it was the Arabs that told him you do not have the resources to win this war, and if you insist on holding on to those territories your army will perish and the Ethiopians may be able to take Somalia. They were being trained with incredible haste, if he stayed longer it would not be to his benefit.

The guy in video say that Somalia wasn't important in the Cold War but it was important enough to be meddled with by two super powers. It was important enough that the Soviets felt the need to air lift impressive amounts of arms, bring 15k Cuban soldiers, and military advisors.

Interesting, I'll try read up more about if I can find the time.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Where were the Arab cunts?

Dumb decision to kick out the soviets too. I suppose that is what happens when an illiterate dictator takes office

South Yemen and Libya supported the Soviets/Ethiopians.

MSB was fluent in 4 languages. He was a very intelligent man.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Don't lie. We all kno he was an illiterate Simple policeman. He spoke Somali and few words of Italian.

How do you think the son of a geeljire from Qoraxay became the highest military official even before the coup? Siyaad Barre was a highly intelligent man, and a more capable leader than what Somalis have managed to produce in the past 26 years.

Here he is speaking on the subject of this thread
Hi Hashi Barre:

Have you listened the Abdullahi Yusuf video?

I would like to know what he says about Ogaden War and why Somalia lost the war.
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