Greek women prostituting themselves for a sandwich

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ting for food in Western Europe:damn:

Young Greek women selling sex for the price of a sandwich, new study shows

By Daniela Deane November 27
Young Greek women are selling sex for the price of a sandwich as six years of painful austerity have pushed the European country to the financial brink, a new study showed Friday.

The study, which compiled data on more than 17,000 sex workers operating in Greece, found that Greek women now dominate the country’s prostitution industry, replacing Eastern European women, and that the sex on sale in Greece is some of the cheapest on offer in Europe.

“Some women just do it for a cheese pie, or a sandwich they need to eat because they are hungry,” Gregory Laxos, a sociology professor at the Panteion University in Athens, told the London Times newspaper. “Others [do it] to pay taxes, bills, for urgent expenses or a quick [drug] fix,” said Laxos, who conducted the three-year study.

When the economic crisis began in Greece, the going rate for sex with a prostitute was 50 euros ($53), the London newspaper quoted Laxos as saying. Now, it’s fallen to as low as two euros ($2.12) for a 30-minute session.

Laxos said the some 400 such desperate cases he found may be “nominal compared with the thousands of other sex workers operating nationwide, but they never existed as a trend until the financial crisis.” He said Greek women now account for 80 percent of the prostitution trade in Greece.

He said his wide-ranging study showed that the number of desperate young women — the ones offering the cheapest sex — appeared to be on the rise. “It doesn’t look like these numbers will fade,” he told the Times. “Rather they are growing at a steady and consistent pace.”

The price of sex is falling globally, as the Internet provides more and more sexual content online. The 180 euro ($191) average price of a one-hour encounter in Europe has dropped dramatically, the paper reported.

Prostitution is legal in Greece, but very few of the country’s brothels are licensed, the paper reported, pushing many of the estimated 18,500 prostitutes operating in Greece onto the streets.

“Factor in the growing number of girls who drift in and out of the trade, depending on their needs, and the total number of female prostitutes is startling,” Laxos was quoted as saying.


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Greece is a south eastern European country. They may have a noble history but these days they are laangaab people. They are gaajo as f*ck.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Greece is a south eastern European country. They may have a noble history but these days they are laangaab people. They are gaajo as f*ck.

Bro is it just me or others think of the Italians and the Greeks as qarac that ain't even European in appearance. You can't imagine how many times I thought an Italian and a Greek were Iranian or Turkish
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