Had date with this Girl

So there this girl I had date with last week
I picked her up with car pulled over opened the car door inside the car and told her to come in the car so we can goto the restaurant I don't believe what she said kulaha close the car door come out open the car door like this
images (3).jpeg

Cuz it is what gentleman do and is romantic At this point She lost her daam mind
I didn't come out of the car and do what she order me to do instead I was sitting thinking she must lost her daam mind I told her open it for herself cuz her hands aren't missing nor cut off
I slowly shut the car door and told her she belonged to streets then drive off
The nerve of her asking me tht
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step 1. say hi to the girl, make sure you grab her attention
step 2. say you like her, make it heartfelt and honest
step 3. aggressively say "skin out " in jamaican accent

its a fool proof way to get a girl to fall in love with you


Kick in the door wavin the .44
She was right... I wouldn’t have said it out loud to the guy like that, but I would have made a mental note and never saw him again.
@Jack sparrow get your disney watching fairytale simp ass with that minney mouse profile pic with this story is straight cap, are you like 8 or something watching the Disney Channel, you are child not a man. Who the hell claims Mickey Mouse gang at least claim a real gang not some Disney World nonsense.
First I am adult Who the fk are you telling me lol and why tf would I claim gangs tht rape kill and steal leave me be I can write my user tittle how I want when I want how I want
Since u brought age U just Insecurity tht has child mind tht won't leave other alone go child and let me enjoy myself


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