Hargeisa Conjoined twins

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Saudi government always pays the treatment of conjoined twins and they operate
those operations in their hospitals.The Somali embassy should contract the authorities there.


Your superior
Saudi government always pays the treatment of conjoined twins and they operate
those operations in their hospitals.The Somali embassy should contract the authorities there.

Somalia authority doesn't operate here
However contract this Somali hero Abdiaziz Maahaay and he will help the family. He have a foundation that helps severely disabled people from East Africa receive treatment and takes medical supplies from the US to Somalia.
He's the founder of SOMCare, a Rochester, Minnesota based non profit that helps severely disabled people from East Africa receive treatment and takes medical supplies from the US to Somalia.
How??? You need to state the way and mean to reach states not just write comments on line.
How am I supposed to know. You can probably look it up. They bring in African children to the states or Europe for treatment like this all the time.
I am laughing at your logic, let the kids wait till the your doctors get the training. I am positive sure that kids will be in their way to Saudi soon.

That's not what he said. He said doctors should be trained to deal with these situations better, not doctors should be trained so they can operate on these conjoined twins in the future. You're misrepresenting what someone has said (again).
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