Harti Civilian Flee Hargeisa Thugs



Magaalooyinka waa weyn ee Puntland waxaa si fiican u soo gaaray Shacabkii Hartiga ahaa ee kasoo qaxay Hargeysa, Burco iyo Berbara, Indhahaygaan saaray oo Garowe ayaan ku arkay iyagoo isugu jira nin garbood iyo dhalinyaro soo qaxay. Insha Allah inta yar ee ku hartay Waqooyi waxay ii sheegeen in ay maalmo kaddib baxayaan.

Mid kamid ah dadkana arkay wuxuu igu yiri gurigii aan qoys ahaan u joognay dhar aan xirano kaliya ayaan kala nimi Dib danbe u tagi mayno waxaan aragnay dad cuqdad qaba oo wajigooda dhabta ah lasoo baxay.

Hala soo dhoweeyo shacabka soo qaxay.


This clan is the sickest in Somalia, even HAGS are not like this. When PL/GM fight, run ba ficane, they don't target MJ civilians in Hamar nor do we target their civilians. We just complain their armed boys during a conflict target random un-armed people and so do Marehan complain of such things not just MJ.

These Isaaq ppl tho are socially all moryans, their no rule of law in this jungle. They don't respect what the whole world agreed on that un-armed people are not collateral for conflict, their bloody un-armed.

These ppl don't know tribal issue in Somalia doesn't cross over into business or social settings. Civilians who are un-armed bay dilan kuwan langaabka ah, their primitive and primitive ppl must be treated primitive, do not try to play gob with their civilians in PL, they won't even undersand it, since they don't comply with what all humans agreed on, they are another 'ali beestan species homo isaaqanicus' becuz they don't hold what all humans hold universally true, oo weli dhaqanka awoowayashooda leh which Darod couldnt civilize.

Las Geel ancestors of Isaaq


While Land Of Punt at the same time was a recognized kingdom mamul, nidaam, dhar iyo dhaqan bay lahayeen.

Wallahi dhaqan ahan weli way buuxan ali beesteen, Hartis are far to civil with them. Dhaqanki darood diidyee, dhaqanki aduunka ku heeeshiye diidyee, he prefers ali beesteen of his ancestor
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