Has anyone had morphine before?

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I had it for the first time a few months ago after a minor accident and they gave me morphine.

It felt so fucking good.

I want to injure myself again so I can get morphine at the hospital. It's worth the amazing feeling.

Who else had morphine?

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!

I hate opiods, makes me feel gross. I can't believe people ruin their lives for this shit.

You have an addictive personality, you should ease up on script drugs and alcohol. Doctors especially in Canada give this shit out like candy. o_O Take an ibruprofen.
The nurse told me at the time to tell her if I needed one more dose.

I didnt ask because she left and I didn't see her. It is the biggest regret I have for 2016

I hate opiods, makes me feel gross. I can't believe people ruin their lives for this shit.

You have an addictive personality, you should ease up on script drugs and alcohol. Doctors especially in Canada give this shit out like candy. o_O Take an ibruprofen.

Doctors don't give shit. They took 2 years to give me Accutane and refer me to a specialist. They want their $75 per visit per patient. They want you to keep coming back to complain
i was being serious. they get me/most people constipated when i take them (often).
Im pro drugs not judging you here.
not that often anymore. dont want to go into much detail but it was fooling around with friends. that alone was nice.
then there is looking forward to taking it, exitement, soothing effect, eurphoria and being more talkative etc. etc. just go slow at first and do your own research on them. thats all.
You are a former child solider khat addict, your commander probably forced you rape few women. let cabdijonson do his thing sxb, it isn't harming anyone

At least I didn't wanna buy morphine from a drug dealer.

I wanted to injure myself and get it legally from the hospital. Just one dose.
At least I didn't wanna buy morphine from a drug dealer.

I wanted to injure myself and get it legally from the hospital. Just one dose.
Lol whats wrong about a trusted source? No need to injure yourself and end up getting standard painkilers and a cast lolololol
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