Hassan Sheikh Will Resort To Drumming Up War With Puntland


When there is 2 years left in every Somali president term they begin the age old and very tiring but predictable let's war with Puntland so they can hide theyre failed presidency while seeking an extension.

Typical tactics include isbaaro on PL scholarship and international aid. Drumming up conflict with GM and PL. Holding igu sawir pro govt conferences in hotels inside Puntland territory.

It is known that every Somali president who has failed in his term resorts to rising up the cawaan hamar locals against PL.

Since PL is seen as the ruling class all the barbaric savages love to hear political conflict with PL, their easy targets to rile up since they are the barbaric class in the nation. All hawiyes love when a Somali president declares war on PL or resorts to other undermining tactics. All Somali elites are aware of this and pull out these cards when their presidency is failing or they seek an extension.
U want that to happen don´t u. Ya allah ur lusting for war and turmoil. In ur rational and unbias anlysis did it ever came to ur mind that there is a chance that both parties will talk that shit out. And unless u can give me evidence that HSM did those things or is about to do those things, everything u said is pure speculation.


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