Have the Somali soldiers been deployed to South Sudan yet?

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Why? Putting the cart before the horse.

I don’t agree with this either (since they haven’t secured xamar) but I was just curious if they are in South Sudan yet. It’s a dangerous mission too wonder how much the UN is paying...
I don’t agree with this either (since they haven’t secured xamar) but I was just curious if they are in South Sudan yet. It’s a dangerous mission too wonder how much the UN is paying...

Im not sure how many are there but i know one high ranking military officer left Xamar for south Sudan.

Many high ranking military staff are tired of the B.S games in Xamar. After 2 Generals got killed late last year many soldiers gave up.
Why send them to South Sudan when parts of their own country are not secure??!?


If they(the gov) do not want to secure Xamar, then let the soldiers liberate and then secure all the other AS infested areas in South Somalia, then secure Xamar. Or send them to Galgala mountains in PL to help the PL forces?

Why not send them to Buaale, Middle Jubba to liberate the area from Al Shabaab??? Where they'd be more useful.
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