Have you ever caught feelings


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:duck: They aren't strong enough to act on. I prefer to admire from the sidelines. And not ruin the imaginationship.
Guys, when I say catch feelings, I'm not talking Hodan iyo Cilmi Boodhari

I'm talking like 'Yo, I'm feeling this person, I wonder what they look like in real life, tolow is she feeling me too?' Kinda thing lol


It’s not that serious
Guys, when I say catch feelings, I'm not talking Hodan iyo Cilmi Boodhari

I'm talking like 'Yo, I'm feeling this person, I wonder what they look like in real life, tolow is she feeling me too?' Kinda thing lol
Yes:mjkkk: annoying af if you ask me

