Have you ever had a glitch in the matrix experience?

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I had one earlier and it was quite bizarre, to say the least. My mom called me at work to inform me of my uncles passing. I was so profoundly disturbed by it, as my uncle and I were very close. My coworker having observed the sorrow and distress that was cast across face asked me what was up. I quickly informed him of what was causing me such affliction. He gave his condolences and it was back to business as usual.

The next week my mom asks me if I could drop her off at my uncles house, she wanted to go babysit for them while my uncle and his wife did some shopping. I immediately reminded her that he passed away and she shot me a confused look. Then I reminded her again of the time she called me at work to break the bad news. She still continued to give me a confused look. That's when I was like, ok what the fucks going on. The only justification I came up with to explain this peculiar situation was that I had been dreaming. But then I remembered my coworker and sharing the news with him. I called him and asked him if he remembered me telling him about my uncle. He gave me a assuring yes and I hung up. I spent the next 20min trying to make sense of what the f*ck had happened. To this day I still don't have the slightest clue of how to explain the events that occurred.

I'd like to read more of these type of experience. Please do share if you have any!
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What about when you think about someone you haven't seen or talked to in years and you randomly run into on the same day? That's happened a couple times to me.
What about when you think about someone you haven't seen or talked to in years and you randomly run into on the same day? That's happened a couple times to me.

:lol: I like to think of those as just coincidences. Happens to all of us. Couple months ago I was driving and had my spotify playing music. I thought, hmm I haven't heard this System of a Down song in ages. To my surprise, that very same song came next on shuffle.
I don't know about glitch but I had the weirdest dream once, I was in a hurry running towards this appartement block to look for my immediate family at the beginning in this dream I didn't know why, anyway I reached the apartment of my family went inside to evacuate every one of my family out of the city and they were perplexed like what got into me I told them look out the window they looked out the window at a nuclear power plant and I told them we have exactly half hour to get the hell out of there before that nuclear power plant blows up as soon as we went out the door I woke up.

Now here comes the weird part I woke up that same exact day with that weird dream in my mind to this news and I shit you not >>>> https://www.britannica.com/event/Fukushima-accident



I've had happen to me what Lucifer described. Dreaming something that manifested itself irl. And I'm in the moment like..I dreamed this. It was so confusing once, I questioned whether I wasn't dreaming the real life experience again, it was so specific.
Very strange. I've never had it honestly and I'd rather not.
That's very weird tho. Do you remember what you were doing before your mom "broke the news" to you? Wonder if you'll have a repeat of this.
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