have you noticed on reddit

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not so sad after all
so I sometimes use reddit to ask specific questions in the subreddits. Something I've noticed while there is how immensely butthurt those guys get about the littlest things :lol:.I've never seen a group of people who jump on something as little as spelling errors or typo. Their regulars are incredibly shook as well, they make a little error, they go back and make a point to point out how it was a typo. Koley if your grammar is not on point, you'll be ganged up on lol. They seem really sensitive there as well, which is weird considering everything their kind preach
What subreddits are you on? prob /r/grammar, /r/spelling or something. I have never had anybody correct my typos


tfw no habesha gf
I hope Bernie Sanders loses so I can go back to that shithole website and laugh at all 20-something college students who spend lots of dough on his campaign
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