Have you tried this app?

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Tinder :susp:

Nigga just go to Instagram, look at a female friend's page, goto Suggested (users) then fall into the IG rabbit hole. You're welcome


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Seriously menace. You're asking about tinder 2016? Which rock have you crawled out of?


Erm, unless ur horribly disfigured or something "success" is pretty much guaranteed.

A friend told me using Tinder made him feel insignificant and used bc girls would legit screw him & leave never wanting to see or hear from him again even though that's what he thought he wanted, and stonewalling if he contacted again. And there's no chase or intrigue cuz all parties basically want discreet no strings attached hit and run stranger sex.

I think it's hilarious when ppl about "hookup culture" ruining things as if Tinder has replaced regular dating. It exists bc there's a niche for it. It's another option on the table for ppl with no time, charm, or both.

Tinder users in two words = dry spell.
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