Having an expensive wedding linked to higher divorce rate


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
of course. Because the focus from the get go was not marriage, love or seriousness. It was a show. And a show comes to an end after 2 hours.

The smart ones are the ones saving their money for their house mortgage


Plotting world domination

A new study found that couples who spend less on their wedding tend to have longer-lasting marriages than those who splurge. The study, by two economics professors at Emory University, found a similar correlation between less-expensive engagement rings and lower divorce rates.
I know a few people that got married at a courthouse. They didn't even have a wedding. They just got their marriage registered and that's it. Before the marriage these couples were dating each other for 3+ years. I even knew a guy that didn't propose until after 10 years of dating his wife.
I am not shocked since financial stress is one of the biggest contributors and wedding add to that burden.
If men want smaller weddings, then spend more on the gift and dowry for the bride, AND an amazing honeymoon, a photoshoot also, for memories.

But some of these men, want to spend 0 cent, and use this as an excuse.

Make a woman feel appreciated, or your marriage will end anyway.

Do you think bad women also deserve that or just good women? I agree but what if she treats him badly? My dad's sister's son spent his entire savings of $30,000 or something like that on a honeymoon and wedding and ring and other stuff on his wife and she acted like a Hollywood actress who didn't need to do anything for her husband. He had to go to his parents house to eat after doing long shifts working emergency services.
Do you think bad women also deserve that or just good women? I agree but what if she treats him badly? My dad's sister's son spent his entire savings of $30,000 or something like that on a honeymoon and wedding and ring and other stuff on his wife and she acted like a Hollywood actress who didn't need to do anything for her husband. He actually had to go to his parents house to eat after doing long shifts working emergency services.

Were there no signs of her bad behaviour PRIOR to the wedding?

Why would he spend his entire savings by the way? He could have spent half or a third, of that, to make beautiful memories. It's a man's job to be responsible over his savings, AND make a woman feel respected.
Were there no signs of her bad behaviour PRIOR to the wedding?

Why would he spend his entire savings by the way? He could have spent half or a third, of that, to make beautiful memories. It's a man's job to be responsible over his savings, AND make a woman feel respected.

No, she changed once they got married. His first mistake was not speaking to her for 2-3 years or so to see her true character. They only spoke for less than a year. His parents said she kept asking for everything and he kept giving her what she wanted to make her happy. She was never content. He wanted to make her happy. $10K or $15K is not enough for marriage to some people. Most men would spend that amount for their marriage.
It’s important to find someone you’re compatible with in most if not all aspects of life. Find someone who cares about your well-being and not just about what you can give them. From what I’ve seen some people are out here trying to impress outsiders more than looking at what’s in the best interest of their new family. It’s important to look out for the interest of your new family.

A wedding that’s lavish neither sustains a home nor does it keep one content in their marriage. I don’t believe the size of the wedding is an indicator of long-term success but it might indicate the values and principles with which one wishes to start their married life.
Can you post the actual study conclusions?

I highly doubt it and the reason why is that upper class people tend to have lower divorce rates and obviously more expensive weddings.

Poorer people from low socioeconomic backgrounds have the highest divorces according to studies.

I do believe which is what the study is focusing on is that going into debt for a wedding is probably an indicator for higher divorce rates.