Hawd vs Oodweyne (Daad Madheedh) match - 1-2

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"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
The savagery and backwardness of Ree Hargeisa knows no boundaries walee.. This is not the first time their hooligans with the backing of their local Militia massacred innocent people! Waxayba taganyihin sidee nalooga badiyaa kubad. And everytime we lose a match we have to sacrifice the blood of Innocent spectators:susp::wtf:

The blood of the two youngsters; a high school kid, the other just started Uni that was senselessly shed in Borama, is still wet and is squarely on their hands. And now they just murdered another 2 people, all because ReeHargeisa are just not civilized enough to take their sporting Ls graciously. What a blood thirsty den that place is!

Whats more offensive and unacceptable is how you bastards turning this into a laughing matter and treating it as thought it was just another footballing banter. Whats wrong with you, why not just throw some condolences or criticism around like you so generously do when it comes to insulting other s?:draketf:

Fucking ignominious trolling trash, the whole lotta of ya. :pacspit:
OK can you please explain this to me fish and chips style? My future Husband is going nuts telling me people died and it's nothing to do with the HA.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
The savagery and backwardness of Ree Hargeisa knows no boundaries walee.. This is not the first time their hooligans with the backing of their local Militia massacred innocent people! Waxayba taganyihin sidee nalooga badiyaa kubad. And everytime we lose a match we have to sacrifice the blood of Innocent spectators:susp::wtf:

The blood of the two youngsters; a high school kid, the other just started Uni that was senselessly shed in Borama, is still wet and is squarely on their hands. And now they just murdered another 2 people, all because ReeHargeisa are just not civilized enough to take their sporting Ls graciously. What a blood thirsty den that place is!

Whats more offensive and unacceptable is how you bastards turning this into a laughing matter and treating it as thought it was just another footballing banter. Whats wrong with you, why not just throw some condolences or criticism around like you so generously do when it comes to insulting other s?:draketf:

Fucking ignominious trolling trash, the whole lotta of ya. :pacspit:

I just heard about this now this shit is fucking embarrassing

If I was in charge Id ban the fotball tournament and when people get mad and wonder why Id show them the videos of the aftermath

Besides whats the point of this stupid fotball game?
I just heard about this now this shit is fucking embarrassing

If I was in charge Id ban the fotball tournament and when people get mad and wonder why Id show them the videos of the aftermath

Besides whats the point of this stupid fotball game?
You live in Sweden luv sit down..
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