Hayaay! 20% of native of Garoowe charged in MN 4 stealing $20m

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

There's no way all of them are from Garowe.

No pun intended but, Dhabarka ii Xanuun ey!:whoo:

Complete annihilation took place! No more contribution to the construction of that epic airport in Bosasso :chrisfreshhah::lolbron:

These dude's houses, cars and bank account are getting either frozen or confiscated:ivers:

Imagine raising your kids in a 5 bedroom mansion and now them kids going fatherless and back to Cedar-riverside towers:susp:

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Lol, what do you mean 20% of the Garowe population?

in otherwords, 20% of those who hailed from Garoowe who resided in MN have been charged, Waar balaayo ba qabsatey reerka faanka badan.:siilaanyolaugh::siilaanyosmile::farole::mugshotman:
Complete annihilation took place! No more contribution to the construction of that epic airport in Bosasso :chrisfreshhah::lolbron:

These dude's houses, cars and bank account are getting either frozen or confiscated:ivers:

Imagine raising your kids in a 5 bedroom mansion and now them kids going fatherless and back to Cedar-riverside towers:susp:


What does Bosassos airport have to do with this?

These guys are criminals. If they're from Garowe or not. They're Kaabolaathars.

I'm new to this forum, and i'm very slow at adapting to the cheering and slandering of a whole city and region when one person
falls from grace.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

What does Bosassos airport have to do with this?

These guys are criminals. If they're from Garowe or not. They're Kaabolaathars.

I'm new to this forum, and i'm very slow at adapting to the cheering and slandering of a whole city and region when one person
falls from grace.

You know every reer collects money from the diapora to contruct roads and infrastructure and so best believe these were the big donors but now Bosasso, Garoowe and Qardo must collect money for these guy's trial:mjlol:
I only viewed this thread to see who was dumb enough to fall for this troll's clickbait lies.

I got so confused.

20% of 21 is 4.2 people.

:notsureif:So we went from 4.2 people representing 90% of the MN population. And these 4 people are contributing to the construction of an Airport in Bosasso!


Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I got so confused.

20% of 21 is 4.2 people.

:notsureif:So we went from 4.2 people representing 90% of the MN population. And these 4 people are contributing to the construction of an Airport in Bosasso!


The people of PL represent 80% of the Somalis in MN.....if the population is 110k....What's 80% of that ? 88k
You know every reer collects money from the diapora to contruct roads and infrastructure and so best believe these were the big donors but now Bosasso, Garoowe and Qardo must collect money for these guy's trial:mjlol:

I had to like the post.lool

Wait so let me get this straight. :ohreally:

These 4 fraudsters are essential to the development of Qardo, Garowe and Bosasso?

Dude, I'm such a newbie on this forum.
The people of PL represent 80% of the Somalis in MN.....if the population is 110k....What's 80% of that ? 88k

I love Menace wallahi!

Before signing up I actually frequented your posts.

Where do you get these numbers from bro?

My personal mantra is this: I believe in Allah and Data.

Just Allah and Data.

So, where on earth did you get this data from? :trash:

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I love Menace wallahi!

Before signing up I actually frequented your posts.

Where do you get these numbers from bro?

My personal mantra is this: I believe in Allah and Data.

Just Allah and Data.

So, where on earth did you get this data from? :trash:

basically from my great scientific hypothesis

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Is Bosaso airport still being constructed? Could've sworn it was finished earlier this year

That is inconsequential adeer! What matters is you people need to collect money in the defense of the great Garoowe scammers. We cant have 21 of your tribesmen rot in an American prison. You do understand that people get raped in American prison. Also take into consideration that our people have small limps and that they will be over powered by the Bacon eaters and they will get raped.
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