HAYAAY! it is revealed that one of the white cops who killed Somali Ottawaian was

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
before involved in the framing of another Somali back in 2014.

The trial of this other Somali was actually thrown out by a judge afte the judge noticed the discrepancies of the report of the officer under investigation of the of the death of Somali Ottawaian back in July and this other senior officer.

Luckily this other Somali guy is walking away free instead of serving several years in jail for something he didn't do.

This officer is now can be assumed to be found guilty of the death of our Somali brother now that it is clear the man had it out for Somalis.


Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
How do you keep your job after being proven a liar in court?

Now I'm convinced that he plummeted that poor mentally challenged Somali brother to death. Naclatullah!

Now it's proven that he hate for Somali.

This is a proven record, I mean he got caught framing a guy. His method of punishment was beating folks by punching them and kneeing them. I now know that kneeing someone repeatedly can have a devastating effect.


The trouble is, you think you have time
Well, that is not surprising. Institutional racism exists. That why it is important that people of color need to band together and fight institutional racism at all levels.
Only two people replied to this thread.

I've noticed Somalis don't care about their community. If this was about an Arab victim, it would be 10 pages long


Your superior
Only two people replied to this thread.

I've noticed Somalis don't care about their community. If this was about an Arab victim, it would be 10 pages long

It doesn't concern us in Europe.

Maybe you guys need to listen to police officers if you don't want to be killed
Why did the police try to arrest him in the first place

He sexually harassed a woman and then ran when he saw cops. Why didn't they just arrest him instead of beating him and why did they ignore people from the community when they told the cops that he was mentally ill while beating him up?
He sexually harassed a woman and then ran when he saw cops. Why didn't they just arrest him instead of beating him and why did they ignore people from the community when they told the cops that he was mentally ill while beating him up?

its funny . sounds like the same thing AA go through, :sass2:
Only two people replied to this thread.

I've noticed Somalis don't care about their community. If this was about an Arab victim, it would be 10 pages long
Talking out of your asS per usual .this story ran for many pages when the killing first happened .using your reTarded logic of lots of replies , one can say that Somalis care a great deal since the thread ran for 8 pages .
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