HAYAAY ! Waar soo gala soo gala! Can't stop laughing! Them niggaz shook them 2 the core

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President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
look at the panic taking place in Paris. Any noise is making them flee like I fled when my younger brother beat me up several years ago.

These folks are suffering from sheer terror. Waar dadku nolo jeclaa...what's even worse is the nigga that walked on top of the flowering like floating Jesus and another dived into it :deadmanny::dead:



President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
@menace and @bandit you two would be the first to do a Usain Bolt if you were there, marka faanka naga joojiya nimanyahow


I never claimed to be a brave one ...Nacas hooyadey mey dhalin, I'd live to see another day, I would've pushed down whoever was front of me to walk on top of them :damedamn::hemad::kobeok:


@menace and @bandit you two would be the first to do a Usain Bolt if you were there, marka faanka naga joojiya nimanyahow

Sxb is one thing when you run away from danger but these guys are just cowards they don't even know why there running:ftw9nwa:
You see the one man not running away that's how you suppose to act not run like wild animals every time you hear noise:ulachen001:


look at the panic taking place in Paris. Any noise is making them flee like I fled when my younger brother beat me up several years ago.

These folks are suffering from sheer terror. Waar dadku nolo jeclaa...what's even worse is the nigga that walked on top of the flowering like floating Jesus and another dived into it :deadmanny::dead:

I swear, I saw this on the news. These people didn't give a Fock about those flowers and candles.

Forget about sentimental values. Every nigga is for themselves


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
I swear, I saw this on the news. These people didn't give a Fock about those flowers and candles.

Forget about sentimental values. Every nigga is for themselves

When life comes calling no nigga cares about the occasion and the sanctity of the place as epically displayed by the Jesus floating over the flowers and that chick diving in...

I can't even imagine what @Gorgon wouldve done to me if I tripped as opposed to what I would've done to get if she even slowed me down running front of me like the girl she is I would've grabbed her neck to pull her to the ground while saying " adeer iga beed meeshani wa leysku aasayaayee"
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@menace if you had tripped in front of me. I wouldn't batter an eyelid and look down. As a matter of fact of would of stepped on your hand with full force as I run
Lol, I have seen this on CNN last night. Aniga waxaan ka yaabay kan doqonka ah ee iska taagan. Wallee waan carari lahaa isidii cigaal shiidaad camal. Markay la iwaydiiyo maxaad ka carareysaa waxaan odhan lahaa dee waxay dadka oo dhan ka cararayaan baan ka cararayaa lol.

This incidents reminds me of cigaal shiidaad. Anybody heard about the story where cigal shiidaad uu ari/waxaro hor ordayay? Marka la waydiidyay war maxaad la carareysaa buu yidhi waxaan ka cararayaa waxay waxaruhu ka cararayaan.
Any of you know waxaru?


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Lol, I have seen this on CNN last night. Aniga waxaan ka yaabay kan doqonka ah ee iska taagan. Wallee waan carari lahaa isidii cigaal shiidaad camal. Markay la iwaydiiyo maxaad ka carareysaa waxaan odhan lahaa dee waxay dadka oo dhan ka cararayaan baan ka cararayaa lol.

This incidents reminds me of cigaal shiidaad. Anybody heard about the story where cigal shiidaad uu ari/waxaro hor ordayay? Marka la waydiidyay war maxaad la carareysaa buu yidhi waxaan ka cararayaa waxay waxaruhu ka cararayaan.
Any of you know waxaru?

How abt when he seen the enemy coming over to his house and he told his wife " naa I qari(hide me babe they gonna kill me)" and so she placed Hayes ( coos) on top of him in their room. The enemy came in ( back in the old days there was honor where wivues are spared). Then the enemy searched for him and couldn't find him and so they asked cigaal's wife " where's your husband". Evidently the man was a certified fulay he couldn't let his wife answer it and he yelled " noo ma joogo ku dheh":drakelaugh::drakegrin::hahaidiot::hahaidiot::hahaidiot:
How abt when he seen the enemy coming over to his house and he told his wife " naa I qari(hide me babe they gonna kill me)" and so she placed Hayes ( coos) on top of him in their room. The enemy came in ( back in the old days there was honor where wivues are spared). Then the enemy searched for him and couldn't find him and so they asked cigaal's wife " where's your husband". Evidently the man was a certified fulay he couldn't let his wife answer it and he yelled " noo ma joogo ku dheh":drakelaugh::drakegrin::hahaidiot::hahaidiot::hahaidiot:
I have a book that contains all of cigaal shiidaad's stories. He was smart and fuley guy.There is a movie about him in youtube too. Horta sheekooyinkiisa ma run miyaa mise waa madadaalo?
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