Heavyweight Somali Analyst is actually gaalraac

Nafiso Qalanjo

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Who is he? And why is he so important?
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The problem with what he's saying is that it's easier to be "true to their faiths" by being in our communities in the country which he likes to call "bubbles" we need to be in our own communities, take advantage of the opportunities and excel there, while also boosting our self image. Making education a priority, running our communities efficiently is what would make us a good diaspora. The reason why we have all the gangs and wh.0res is because of a lack of a community effort, that would steer our people away from it, and not to mention that being in a country where people engage in acts of degeneracy would rub off of our people one way or another is why I support us reinvesting our skills into the motherland and work to help reconstruct it then have all of us move back. The things I've mentioned above is what we should do in the meantime.
Bruh I’m confused wlh, are we supposed to look malnourished now? :westbrookwtf: That oday seems to be of a healthy weight. Is he a gaal or nah? And who is he? An analyst, never heard of him. Too bad he went over to the darkside if that is the case thou.
No that's not what they meant by heavyweight :chrisfreshhah:means like very important kinda


Illuminated Xalimo
The truly sad thing is that this is not his own thought. This comes directly from the UAE. MBZ is the real thought leader of the Muslim world. Somalis are so uncreative they can't even be "gaalraacs" in an original manner. Everything second hand -- the orphans of the Arab world.


I was listening to him weighing on the Ethiopia issue on some Kenyan podcast



Rashid Abdi
  • Hates Somalia gaining sovereignty, strength and unity
  • Hates Salafism
  • Proud KENYAN and pro-KDF staying in Somalia
  • Supports all Somali separatists/belligerent factions that want a weak Somalia
  • Completely against the war on TPLF
although i dont agree with the cadaan butt kissing, i do agree with him that wahabbism has cmpletely blinded our ppl and infiltrated them to the point they dont know what creed they followed just 30 yrs ago. This amercian/western/saudi supported sect of islam is mainstream and most of u follow it, thinking its the normal way of muslims, Its a trap set by the kufar to turn us against islam and its humble foundations into radical ideas that entrap us in a never ending cycle of extremism and hypocrytical/misinformed modern "muslims".

We must uproot salafism from our way of thinking and out-propaganda the endless amunt of akhi's out there, if we are to have a chance at saving our culture. Turn to our Ahlu sunnah roots away from the roots of the black oil devil trapping young somali men whom were in poverty to become bloodhounds for the salafi order.


what wrong with seeking seperatism? as long as these people don't harm others and contribute in taxes there shouldn't be a problem right?
Rashid Abdi
  • Hates Somalia gaining sovereignty, strength and unity
  • Hates Salafism
  • Proud KENYAN and pro-KDF staying in Somalia
  • Supports all Somali separatists/belligerent factions that want a weak Somalia
  • Completely against the war on TPLF
he isn't pro-KDF staying in somalia.

