
I moved into my parent again, in my little town in Norway due to economic reasons I have. My mother are ok father has always been a asshole to my mother and his children. The local mosque (mostly just oromos that goes) has started to Harassed my little sister, she just is 13 years old she doesn’t wear hijab bc she doesn’t want it. My parents don’t care. But the Oromos call her a for not wear it, and names that kills her self esteem. Some girls stared to beat her up bc she doesn’t wear the hijab and wear western jeans. What should I do as a big sister?


𝕻𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 𝖎𝖘 𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓.
I moved into my parent again, in my little town in Norway due to economic reasons I have. My mother are ok father has always been a asshole to my mother and his children. The local mosque (mostly just oromos that goes) has started to Harassed my little sister, she just is 13 years old she doesn’t wear hijab bc she doesn’t want it. My parents don’t care. But the Oromos call her a ***** for not wear it, and names that kills her self esteem. Some girls stared to beat her up bc she doesn’t wear the hijab and wear western jeans. What should I do as a big sister?
wth they call her ***** for not wearing hijab that's unislamic and horrible. to call her that. may Allah guide you ppl and me wallah


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
If she is getting harmed I would tell her to stay home and pray instead but if she has to go I'm not sure trust your gut maybe she will put hijab on when she gets older


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
Hei, jeg vil foreslå at du rapporterer dem enten til politiet eller kommunekontoret. De tar vanligvis ting som dette på alvor. De mobber henne, det er ikke hyggelig.

Bra gjort for å holde ut for søsteren din.
I moved into my parent again, in my little town in Norway due to economic reasons I have. My mother are ok father has always been a asshole to my mother and his children. The local mosque (mostly just oromos that goes) has started to Harassed my little sister, she just is 13 years old she doesn’t wear hijab bc she doesn’t want it. My parents don’t care. But the Oromos call her a ***** for not wear it, and names that kills her self esteem. Some girls stared to beat her up bc she doesn’t wear the hijab and wear western jeans. What should I do as a big sister?
Call the police on those ppl tht are harassing your little sister no one shouldnt be force to wear the hijab if a person or persons on woman or girl or womans or girls doesn't it
Whether it be family member or members or Especially non family member or members
Call the police on those ppl tht are harassing your little sister no one shouldnt be force to wear the hijab if a person or persons on woman or girl or womans or girls doesn't it
Whether it be family member or members or Especially non family member or members
I’m planning to do this thanks


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
I’m planning to do this thanks
Another alternative is to tell her to speak to her school teachers, they will definitely crack down on this. These kind of morons bullying little girls should'nt even be allowed into western countries with their backwards mentality.
@maryan223 if you can try to spend more time with your sister outside the home so you can protect her. Take her to martial arts classes so she can defend herself.

Follow up everyone she complains about and try to stop them from doing it again. If she wears a hijab oneday it should be because she wants to do it, not because she might get beaten up.

Mr Sufi

Oromo in Norway damn they are everywhere

Honestly get the authority involve you can't force no one to do anything this isnt corrupt oromo Ethiopia

Where are the Somalis to beat these oromo bastards I thought somali Ran NORWAY biggest African group there

Must be a village outside Oslo

Honestly defend yourself and your sister but get the police involve first and make your sister not to go to that mosque go to a different one less oromo there
Oromo in Norway damn they are everywhere

Honestly get the authority involve you can't force no one to do anything this isnt corrupt oromo Ethiopia

Where are the Somalis to beat these oromo bastards I thought somali Ran NORWAY biggest African group there

Must be a village outside Oslo

Honestly defend yourself and your sister but get the police involve first and make your sister not to go to that mosque go to a different one less oromo there
It is a village in western Norway
Oromo in Norway damn they are everywhere

Honestly get the authority involve you can't force no one to do anything this isnt corrupt oromo Ethiopia

Where are the Somalis to beat these oromo bastards I thought somali Ran NORWAY biggest African group there

Must be a village outside Oslo

Honestly defend yourself and your sister but get the police involve first and make your sister not to go to that mosque go to a different one less oromo there
I honestly don’t even know that my sister want to go the mosque anymore ):