Her Majesty's new Ambassador to Somalia

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Press release

Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Somalia: February 2019

Mr Ben Fender OBE has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Published 30 January 2019
Foreign & Commonwealth Office


Mr Ben Fender OBE has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Mr Ben Fender OBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Somalia in succession to Mr David Concar, who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Fender will take up his appointment in February 2019.

Full name: Benjamin James Fender

2016 to 2019 FCO, Head, Security Policy Department
2015 to 2016 Tehran, Chargé then Deputy Head of Mission
2015 FCO, Deputy Head, Iran Department
2014 to 2015 Freetown, Deputy Head, UK Ebola Response
2012 to 2014 Kabul, Counsellor (Political)
2008 to 2011 Paris, First Secretary (Political/Military)
2007 to 2008 Seconded to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2003 to 2007 FCO, Head, Iran team
1999 to 2003 Beijing, Second then First Secretary (Political)
1997 to 1999 FCO, Language training (Chinese)
1996 to 1997 FCO, Desk Officer for Palestine, Arab/Israel team
Justin or Mr Tumble hasn't been an ambassador. In his last position he was head of Security Policy Department of Foreign and Common wealth office.

Mostly he was head of mission, counsellor and First Secretary.
Crow his is a classical Foreign office career civil servant picture.

With President Faroole in the picture he will become Puntland's friend in no time just roll out the buffet. He will love Somalia.

BTW he will visit Hargaysa, Garoowe, Kismayo, Baidoa, Dhusmareeb and Jowhar too as he is Ambassador for the whole of Federal Republic of Somalia occasionally but will be holed up inside Xalane unless he developed taste buds for Somali cuisine.
I think the government looked around in the Foreign office and thought who would take the Job and will not be missed and actually accept it given the recent mortar attack and this gentleman came to mind he probably volunteered too.

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