Hiiraan is a desert

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My mom used to live in Bulobarde as a child and she always used to tell me how green Hiiraan was. It's sad to see how the place has ended up.
hiiran has become big barren wasteland,they have consumed their resources with charcoal trade buying weapons for it,majority of dhuxul export in banadir was from hiiraan.now dadka iska dhaafe even animals cant live galgaduud is more greener than hiiran.


Is your browser not compatible with search engines? :confused:Second time you've asked me to prove my posts without saying please or do you mind. Ask me nicely and I'll link you to photographs.;)


Haha caadi waaye ninyow it's not being reported officially. Here's a very recent Facebook video showing how much its dried up to the point where you can just pick up fish with your own hands. This coincides with irrigation project happening in Somali Galbeed.



Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@AbdiJohnson Webi Shabelle is not really even a river, more like a long stream. The Ethiopian government is settling people in Imi, Godey, Kelafo and Mustahil woredas in Godey Zone. As more people upstream start using the river, it will run dry before Afgooye in 10-15 years. Places like Qoryoole, Awdheegle, Shalamboot, etc in Lower Shabelle will be left high and dry. In 25 years the only place along the Shabelle that will be able to support agriculture will be Hiiraan. Many people forget just how populated the Shabelle valley is in Ethiopia, but Hawiye will soon realize that Ogaden are bleeding them dry when Balcad has no water.
you posted some random video of unknown places which was posted 7 hours ago,fake as hell.

lol i still dont understand why people associate hawiye with shabelle when they live both in shabele and hiiran.
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