"Hiiraan" state dead. Ali Jeyte appointed the head of the President's Office for the affairs of local fighters (Ma’wisley)





This is Lamagalaay(Madaxyooyada Hiiraan) under Hiiraan State Kirshabelle not allowed to enter it for 4 months

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everyday you inch closer to insanity man thinks hes some cartoon villain now :drakelaugh:

Its over eboow accept reality :mjdontkno:


"Abgaal ma xishoodaan ee waa Cabsadaan" adiga ayaaba ismamulin karin oo NISA howshii lnii heesaa ee maxaa kaa galay Hiiraan wich is ahead of you 100 light years? Xishoodka ala kaa qaad waaba lagaa qaadey 🤣🤣
Ha isku qasin bahasha, jufoyiin isdagaalay wax kaama gelin eboow. 'Abgaal ma xishoodaan ee waa cabsadaan' yaa laga cabsanaa marka ? Adigaa oo xawaadle ah? Kalay abgaal cabsi geliyaa :dead::dead::dead:

Waxa xishooneynin waa idinka oo 3di sano hal mar Hiraan State meel la isoo istaagaayo. Shacabkiina dal iyo dibad rajo been gelinaayo mar kasta shame :drakelaugh:


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
First Waare was given a newly created deputy ministry and now the same has been done to Jeyte. Is Osoble or Sanbalooshe gonna get Minister of Gender Equality or Minister of Babyback Ribs next? :lolbron:
If this brings peace between both Communities im for it.

Xawaadley And Abgaal are Brothers who live amongst one another

Xawaadley and Abgaal have it easy, Abgaal " father of HSM' Xawaadley " Mother of HSM"

Both of them will enjoy special treatment from the President

Would you not treat your Abti or Adeer with respect and humility?

HSM calls all XAWAADLEY abti and all ABGAAL inna ADEER

I hope both communities prosper and come together to Build Their State


People don't see the grand picture, caqli xumaa. This is literally going as I said from months ago.

NISA conscripted thousands of macawiisley and Jeyte will lead them while with the Hiiraan State banner.

Hiiraan State is official, everything happening is part of HSM's movie. Shabaab is finished in Galmudug. HSM has just got Turkey's support now for drone strikes, Mahad was in Buloburde a few days ago where he moved the drones base and will allow strikes all the way to South Mudug.

Only thing that is not confirmed yet is how Shabellaha Dhexe will become a state. Will it have North Mog. added to it or not. This is harder to sell for HSM but it's what Mahad, Bukhara and Fiqi want him to do. Bukhari plan is to be Mayor of the new federal Xamar after.


To the clueless kids Hiirasn State to stay 🤣🤣

Been ina isku sheegtaan aad jeceshahiin lol, ninkaas AbdiAziiz uu isaga qayiloyaa mushaar na waa loo qoray. He mentions Hiraan State at the end around 17 mins because its not his priority :drakelaugh: This is the last time you will hear from him publicly eboow iga qor


People don't see the grand picture, caqli xumaa. This is literally going as I said from months ago.

NISA conscripted thousands of macawiisley and Jeyte will lead them while with the Hiiraan State banner.

Hiiraan is official, everything happening is part of HSM's movie. Shabaab is finished in Galmudug. HSM has just got Turkey's support now for drone strikes, Mahad was in Buloburde a few days ago where he moved the drones base and will allow strikes all the way to South Mudug
Everything is Nisa with you lol come back when your prediction come true


According to a guy who started getting into this politics in 2022, Farmaajo iyo fahad lee ba aragtay marka kula yaabimaa :drakelaugh:
Fahad is different in that he was a disaster for Farmaajo. Mahad will re-elect HSM tho. He'll be 3/3

I started paying attention 2021 but it's funny how you are so clueless compared to me. This is what happens when all the gov sources are HG I guess :manny:


I just listened to this, Jeyte exposes the secret Maxaas deal. He says nothing changed from that agreement when he was talking about qadiyadda Hiiraan State. Very important statement if you read between the lines


Fahad is different in that he was a disaster for Farmaajo. Mahad will re-elect HSM tho. He'll be 3/3

I started paying attention 2021 but it's funny how you are so clueless compared to me. This is what happens when all the gov sources are HG I guess :manny:
:drakelaugh: Taas ilaaheey na gaarsiiyo horta. 3/3 kulaha. You are very clueless yourself to Somali dabeecad, forget politics. I been watching this shit for over a decade at this point eboow

And as for your sources you have none, kulaha all the sources are hg, somali afka maba qabsan kartee and the big question is what language do use to speak with them?


:drakelaugh: Taas ilaaheey na gaarsiiyo horta. 3/3 kulaha. You are very clueless yourself to Somali dabeecad, forget politics. I been watching this shit for over a decade at this point eboow

And as for your sources you have none, kulaha all the sources are hg, somali afka maba qabsan kartee and the big question is what language do use to speak with them?
warka liita meesha kala tag. Soomaaliga adhi aad garankatid oo aan ani garan karin waa kee. shaki aaba ku jirto luuqada adhinka iyo Madowweyne iskula hadashaan
:drakelaugh: Taas ilaaheey na gaarsiiyo horta. 3/3 kulaha. You are very clueless yourself to Somali dabeecad, forget politics. I been watching this shit for over a decade at this point eboow

And as for your sources you have none, kulaha all the sources are hg, somali afka maba qabsan kartee and the big question is what language do use to speak with them?

Eebow habarta wa waalaty wuu riyoonayaa
xitaa ma oga miyaa isbahaysiga ka socda turkiga ee u dhexeeya shariif,farmaajo,kheyre,osoble,fahad,gaas,xiirane,sharmarke,shariif sakiin, cabdinuur sheekh maxamed,cabdinaasir cabdulle maxamed.

