"Hiiraan" state dead. Ali Jeyte appointed the head of the President's Office for the affairs of local fighters (Ma’wisley)


Nigga taking online classes for upcoming Nisa job, he would of had it by now but he can't be taken serious with the somali aboow accent

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Eebow habarta wa waalaty wuu riyoonayaa
xitaa ma oga miyaa isbahaysiga ka socda turkiga ee u dhexeeya shariif,farmaajo,kheyre,osoble,fahad,gaas,xiirane,sharmarke,shariif sakiin, cabdinuur sheekh maxamed,cabdinaasir cabdulle maxamed.
I don't support them at all.

They are planning do the same thing Sharif and HSM did to Farmaajo admin with their endless madasha meetings. We will see if FGS they can stop their gatherings or protests


They are planning do the same thing Sharif and HSM did to Farmaajo admin with their endless madasha meetings. We will see if FGS they can stop their gatherings or protests
1 man 1 vote would make all these calaacaling politicians irrelevant plus if xalane doesn't care what puntland says about debt relief and aid in what world do these guys think they count
I just listened to this, Jeyte exposes the secret Maxaas deal. He says nothing changed from that agreement when he was talking about qadiyadda Hiiraan State. Very important statement if you read between the lines

What does head of macawisley even mean? Macawisley is clan militias. They are not part of sna or nisa or police. Jeyte was already head of xawaadle macawisley so what does culusows naming even do. Also since when do fms presidents get jobs and titles from the SFG?

Do you think jeyte would be head of clan militias outside of xawaadle? I don't think so. They are clan militias for a reason they only answer to leaders of their own can. So the whole position is redundant.

