'hindutva pop': the singers producing anti-muslim music in india

I don’t understand why the Hindus in India are so obsessed with Muslims. They even created chat rooms where they spoke about wanting to rape Muslim women and have fantasises if wanting to sleep with them.

they will get their highest level of punishment in hell for performing shirk and worshipping cows

I’ll make sure to eat a steak in India
Filet Mignon Food GIF
You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, "We are Christians." That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.

pagans and jews hate muslim most

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
I don’t understand why the Hindus in India are so obsessed with Muslims. They even created chat rooms where they spoke about wanting to rape Muslim women and have fantasises if wanting to sleep with them.

they will get their highest level of punishment in hell for performing shirk and worshipping cows

I’ll make sure to eat a steak in India
Filet Mignon Food GIF
They were brutally conquered by the Muslims. Most Indian landmarks like the taj mahal for example are from the Muslims it wasn’t until colonialism where the Muslim empire feel. They have an inferiority complex since there’s a billion of Hindus and small number of Muslims
They were brutally conquered by the Muslims. Most Indian landmarks like the taj mahal for example are from the Muslims it wasn’t until colonialism where the Muslim empire feel. They have an inferiority complex since there’s a billion of Hindus and small number of Muslims
that was in past. idk why some they want to rape and kill muslims
They were brutally conquered by the Muslims. Most Indian landmarks like the taj mahal for example are from the Muslims it wasn’t until colonialism where the Muslim empire feel. They have an inferiority complex since there’s a billion of Hindus and small number of Muslims
It’s not really an excuse, especially when British colonialism was worse. These people are anyways coming for Muslims, falsely accusing them of eating cows in India when it isn’t true.

