Hong Kong Freedom Activist...

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Hong Kong Freedom Activist:


Western media’s favorite Hong Kong ‘freedom struggle writer’ is American ex-Amnesty staffer in yellowface

"An American man with ties to Amnesty International and key Hong Kong separatist figures has been posing online as a Hong Kong native named Kong Tsung-gan. Routinely cited as a grassroots activist and writer by major media organizations and published in English-language media, the fictitious character Kong appears to have been concocted to disseminate anti-China propaganda behind the cover of yellowface.

Through Kong Tsung-gan’s prolific digital presence and uninterrogated reputation in mainstream Western media, he disseminates a constant stream of content hyping up the Hong Kong “freedom struggle” while clamoring for the U.S. to turn up the heat on China."

I actually just talked to someone from Hong Kong a few days ago. He was pretty clear that Hong Kong is part of China. But they were under British colonialism for a certain period.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
whats ur thoughts on this whole honkong freedom situation

I think it's just standard stuff- the West backing opposition to a government that won't bow down to it.

If anyone is interested in the subject, I recommend this video where we can hear from people in Hong Kong themselves:



@Omar del Sur You really have a fundamental problem with 'human rights' and 'secularism' and 'science' because 'faith' and 'reason' will make people choose 'reason' and u can't defeat it so u going 'wild' it's not the 'stalin era' waryaa where u can point to secularist as bloodthirsty and make people 'allah akbar' kkkkk, the stack has been turned on you ISLAMISTS and u know don't even 'see' the 'strategem' at play. Now your the 'stalinist' and spilling blood for allah and your people will shift over to this 'human rights and freedom for all' system as they see your 'monstrosity'. I know what u will say. U planted them there to make people 'hate islam', most likely as America backed taliban knowing full well it was 'brutal type of islam' where ppl start to 'question' your religion kkkkk and look at 'secularist jannah' kkkkkk and they are all now in 'crisis' and u know the 'secularists' are gaining ground around the world in Islam. Sudan HAS FALLEN

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur You really have a fundamental problem with 'human rights' and 'secularism' and 'science' because 'faith' and 'reason' will make people choose 'reason' and u can't defeat it so u going 'wild' it's not the 'stalin era' waryaa where u can point to secularist as bloodthirsty and make people 'allah akbar' kkkkk, the stack has been turned on you ISLAMISTS and u know don't even 'see' the 'strategem' at play. Now your the 'stalinist' and spilling blood for allah and your people will shift over to this 'human rights and freedom for all' system as they see your 'monstrosity'. I know what u will say. U planted them there to make people 'hate islam', most likely as America backed taliban knowing full well it was 'brutal type of islam' where ppl start to 'question' your religion kkkkk and look at 'secularist jannah' kkkkkk and they are all now in 'crisis' and u know the 'secularists' are gaining ground around the world in Islam. Sudan HAS FALLEN

What does any of this have to do with Hong Kong?


@Omar del Sur we will stop that erdogan who is an Islamist like u and sees we pushed radical islam to begin and spread from afghanistan after defeating the commies and then have them go into brutal islam and jihad spread that has picked up across the islamic world. kkkkkk U got played and are angry. But erdogan will be stopped as he wants to 'rectify' this but its too late.


@Omar del Sur nice try doing isku dir on secularist of different flavors, we won't fight china or the west, the blood has to spill in islamist heartland so ppl question n leave islam in droves like they did after dark ages of europe, your in the dark age now and the outcome is well known a secular revolutionaries coming as the final blow. Sudan has faallen. UAE-BAHRAIN are zionist


@Omar del Sur I can't wait to see dahir aways call u murtad and then bury u in your home and say 'takfir' kkkk you can't come out of this, we got u niggas where we want on each other and fighting about who is holy yet we know u won't know because islam needs civilization first before reading it, if its read by poor and angry ppl well we know what type of islam will emerge. Good luck coming out of this 'strategem' of war, i wish u the best of luck

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف


What do expect from them?
As most of them fled from china during and before CCP took over.Then been brain washed by British curriculum to hate everything about China and themselves :lolbron:


@Omar del Sur yes and the sphinx was shot off by european knowing that wasn't 'nordic' statue and but a very black bantu one. Hey come on u r even now destroying 'statues' in afghanistan but your 100 years later and we now where the strategem leads as ur following in one that is predictable as it can be reviewed where the western one led and ended.


@Omar del Sur there is one hadith u did get right 'war is strategy' and u r fallin into a western secular made strategy that is predictable as they can review their own path-way to secularism and you are on the way on that path


@Omar del Sur One thing I don't get about u, is when u know the 'strategem' and where it's leaading and u continue to fight rather then surrender, that's why I abuse u. SSDF surrendered for port/road from siyad barre after knowing where the outcome of the nation was heading with 'jabhado', especially after we couldn't work with SNM, we knew any govt to develop would be difficult. We didn't know hawiye wud kill women n children though, that was unprepared nor sneak attack galkacyo at night and bury civilians and elders. We weren't prepared for that sort of war on civilians and urban warfar style. But SSDF handed itself in not continue 'warring' like u r.

Look kiddo, Islam has taken on a brutal interpretion u r using dark age terms such as 'heathen' ama 'kaffir, murtad' these are what that extreme islam produces to 'put to question all your islam' so it can lead to 'interpretation war' and eventually 'sectarian war'. It's already in sectarian war. In Somalia two different mosques do not see each other as 'holy' places to pray, so the christian break up into protestand and catholic is emerging u see waryaa untill Islam comes to the end road and realize any Islam in govt will lead to 'an interepreation' war like u see with 'shabab' now, then they will conclude 'religion cannot be govt' or else 'we will all die thru sectarian war' and declare secularism as the only solution like america had too with it's various christian faiths not being able to comprise a govt on chrsitianity. Look at how brutal alitihaad-brotherhood-jadiid-all these camps developng inside the 'political arena' kkkkk the liklihood they can even merge is unliklely and you are exactly whre the secularist want u. This battle is over waryaa if u know 'strategem' type of wars.


@Omar del Sur the battle is over U SHOULDNT PROLONG it is all I am saying and surrender, god is dead like u said yourself even tho u quoted it but u know what it means.


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