Hooyo iyo Aabe Stories & Appreciation thread

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Tell stories on why you love your Hooyo iyo Aabe, I'll write some now and maybe more afterwards if the thread gains traction

Aabe ; Man taught me everything I know to this day, biking, swimming, work/study ethic and love of (somali) women:banderas: Every weekend he'd take me and my siblings swimming, to the cinema or to the Science museum:ahh:
He caught me chatting to some chick when I was 14-ish, and all he told me to was "Just stay honest and don't fuckboy them. :mjcry:Didn't follow his advice but wallahi I love that old man.

He also pushed my lazy ass to the gym as a teen, told me them halimos wan't a sixpack so I gotta get it

Hooyo : She's the kindest and best moma I coulda ever have. She always kept me well fed, taught me discipline and always got my back. Just the other day I was chilling on the couch with hooyo when she showed me a pic of a chick named Shamso, and asked me what I thought. wallahi the girl was beautiful, but hooyo told me she's 24-something, but then she said "she got 2 younger sisters tho If you want:russsmug:, and their hooyo loves you even", I politely declined but damn it's good to know hooyo always looking out for me:mjcry: And since she knows virtually every Somali woman with children where I live too, damn near all know (and love ofc) me too

Hooyo also bought me a ps3 for eid once:wow1:

Post some positive stories , the morale in this place needs a boost


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
I would take a bullet for them. Them my homies for real. Case closed.


Dad: The most brilliant man I know, a man of science. He's a stern man, but approachable. He has a way of commanding a room with his presence. Growing up, we could hardly catch any fun outside, because he was always making us watch documentaries, throwing books at us, and making us read the upcoming chapters of our courses, giving us "extra homework" here and there. Sometimes, he'd lecture us himself. We could be out at a park, and he'd observe something that would spark a lecture.

I used to have nightmares as a girl. He would take my brother and I into the car and drive us up to an elevated area with a view overlooking the city. He called it "*the city I grew up in's name* by night (ex. Denver by night, Vegas by night, Orlando by night). Whenever we wanted to go again, we'd say, "Aabe, take us to X by night". We still go up there as adults now, on our own, and it's still quite the view.

Mom: The one who made sure we actually had a childhold, balancing out Dad's all work no play policy. She'd sweep in like superwoman to save us from becoming cross-eyed. She had a authoritarian nature to her, tho fair and kind. She was the "no" parent lol, the one who taught us that inshallah = no. The one you try to bypass by asking the other parent, 'cuz you just know she'll say no (only to have Dad foil your plans by asking you to ask hooyo).

Mom, knower of all things, things she seemingly had absolutely no way of knowing. I remember watching the spy kids movie and being 100% convinced she worked for some kind of intelligence agency. She was present growing up despite her career, fairly easy to talk to, taught me how to manage money, couched me through the girl stuff, and gave top notch advice with the occasional flying shoe for emphasis. She never missed. Being that I'd inherited my dad's sleeping temper, I know I wasn't always easy on her. I'm still learning how to master it.
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We star in movies NASA pay to watch
My Dad showed tough HG love. I was expected to learn how to hustle from day 1.

Once he saw me about to lose a fight to a MJ kid, he shouted out from the kitchen if you come home crying I'm gonna show you what real crying looks like.

I still lost the fight and cried* :snoop:

he said Son don't worry you showed great character (a la Brendan Rodgers) :patrice:

* ps I got jumped. No way a HG loses a fight one on one :pacspit::drakekidding::hahaidiot:
My Dad showed tough HG love. I was expected to learn how to hustle from day 1.

Once he saw me about to lose a fight to a MJ kid, he shouted out from the kitchen if you come home crying I'm gonna show you what real crying looks like.

I still lost the fight and cried* :snoop:

he said Son don't worry you showed great character (a la Brendan Rodgers) :patrice:

* ps I got jumped. No way a HG loses a fight one on one :pacspit::drakekidding::hahaidiot:

Once, as a kid, I got mad at aabe for not being allowed to stay up longer to play Gamecube. Then I remembered how on Hannah Montana, Hannah/Miley got into a fight with her dad, then told him she hated him and he immediately re-evaluated how he acted and said sorry and all that

So smartass me decided to say "aabe I hate you!!",

wallahi I saw his eyes light up when I said it, and without him saying a single word I got scared af, cried, said sorry and jumped straight into my bed. He never said a word even. HG Aabos don't play around:banderas:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch

Once, as a kid, I got mad at aabe for not being allowed to stay up longer to play Gamecube. Then I remembered how on Hannah Montana, Hannah/Miley got into a fight with her dad, then told him she hated him and he immediately re-evaluated how he acted and said sorry and all that

So smartass me decided to say "aabe I hate you!!",

wallahi I saw his eyes light up when I said it, and without him saying a single word I got scared af, cried, said sorry and jumped straight into my bed. He never said a word even. HG Aabos don't play around:banderas:

Dude me and my Brothers we use to call my Dad Stone Cold. Bald headed with a massive nerve near the temple. When he laughed he went all :mjlol: when he was mad he was :birdman:

For a joke he use to say he had way more game than us too. He threatened to take my girl and Marry her himself because he said I don't respect her enough when I aired her call and that I'd respect her as a step mom instead :ohhhdamn:

AUN old man, he looked after us so well even after my Mum died


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
My mom and dad legit deserve better kids than they got, but at least we're all in Uni now getting our shit together. Can't wait to make their hard work worth it.




Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
my parents literally sacrificed their lives for me and my siblings. not that i can but inshallah i will try paying them back one day starting with taking over from my dad next year and letting him retire before 50 :friendhug:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
My parents the greatest parents a kid could ask for. I would die for my mama and I would die in a heartbeat to bring back my daddy.
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