Hooyo of the sexual attack requests to be

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
moved out of Somalia. They want to be settled in a Western country. Their reasoning is that they are afraid of the victim getting mocked as Somali Ls known for nicknames.

This brother visited her today.

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I can't comment on the merits of the family's intent to resettle in a Western country because given that opportunity, most Somalis in Somalia will jump on it as a great opportunity, but one thing this move will signify is that Somalia is the shittest place on earth for a woman to unfortunately experience rape and the West regardless of its short-comings, it's secular laws and care for a rape victim are far more civilised and superior than those of a Muslim country.

Let's be real, will that girl ever find love and a husband in Somalia? I don't think so because there were stories of Somali men divorcing their wives because they were raped. In our culture, victims of rape are victimised as long as they live. Yes, Somali culture is a rape culture. Have a peek at our customary laws/xeer in regards to rape victims.
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