How Business Trumps Qabil!

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Can business Trump Qabil?

I posted two thought provoking posts to agitate a few Qabilist on the website.

My question was valid: "What are Somalilanders doing on this website?

The room erupted. You see the question was for a specific "Somalilander"--The one who makes all other Somalilanders look bad: The Ultra Qabilist. But guess who didn't do this? The Djiboutian.

I kept seeing posts about Somaliland independence. I'm also in favour of an independent Somaliland, but what confused me was the dependency of these UltraQ's logging into a website to inadvertently tarnish the Somaliland brand.

So, let's get to the juicy part. The part every Qabilist from Somaliland to Jubbaland hates seeing: Entrepreneurs connecting on class instead of Qabil.

My phone has business contacts throughout Somalia in the Agro business who are Isaaq, Darod and Hawiye. I don't call them Abti or Atheer; we are equals.

You see there's something new cooking in the Horn and most Somalis are unaware of it: Qabilist Don't Make Money!

Yes, Qabilist Don't Make Money!

I had cold called and cold email many Somali producers and right away I tell them my Qabil! You know what they tell me? "People from my own Qabil won't source from me. They would rather ask me what prices I'm selling for and how do I cultivate a grain".

Most of the members on this forum can't read a financial statement but they would rather read about another Qabils "L's" instead of educating themselves out of Hoyos basement.

I'm not a Qabilist. I'm an entrepreneur who is classist. I'm in Asia right now, and I can't make money by saying I'm from this and that Qabil. But it seems many young Somalis believe this.

Here's something for you to ask yourself about Qabil and Business:

When you log on into the NASDAQ and purchase a stock it doesn't ask you what your Qabil or faith is. The market only cares about one thing: Buy or Sell?

I've sold my Qabil and got nothing in return. I started working with people regardless of Qabil and started seeing returns.


Your Puntite
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Kkkkkkk qabyaalad has been the biggest money-making tool in the Somali peninsula. There are charlatans across all tribes who have used the cuqdad of their clansmen and fueling hatred against the "other", while looting them and their wealth to build large estates in these western countries. That's why you have these multi-millionaires with calools that happen to have some of the most desirable real-estate portfolios around the world, while they're own locales remain some of the most destitute places in the entire world and the people have been led to believe by these charlatans its all clan X's fault.

Not that I am against this is in any way, but let's call it what it is.
Kkkkkkk qabyaalad has been the biggest money-making tool in the Somali peninsula. There are charlatans across all tribes who have used the cuqdad of their clansmen and fueling hatred against the "other", while looting them and their wealth to build large estates in these western countries. That's why you have these multi-millionaires with calools that happen to have some of the most desirable real-estate portfolios around the world, while they're own locales remain some of the most destitute places in the entire world and the people have been led to believe by these charlatans its all clan X's fault.

Not that I am against this is in any way, but let's call it what it is.

Have you done business in the Somali Peninsula?

Or are you going to tell me whatever you feel like.

The whole country is rife with illiteracy and poor institutions. This is the greatest time to be a Somali.

One fat Calool can't solve every single problem. It's just guys like you and me wait too long to help those
calools leverage those problems.

Every Somali believes one person has a monopoly on every industry.

If there's a gold rush I'm looking to sell shovels.
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